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General Questions- Page 58 of 1409

  • Question & Answers

    Ductwork Condensation Potential in Conditioned Attic

    Hello,I'm in climate zone 4A.  Does ductwork need to be insulated to prevent condensation in a conditioned attic when 50 CFM per 1000 sq/ft of attic floor area is being…

  • Question & Answers

    Walk-in fridge pros/cons

    I'd like to know the GBA community's thoughts on walk-in refrigerator pantries ( "RootCellar" is a better known brand).   Its a small room in a (typically) new home with insulation in…

  • Question & Answers

    Basement insulation ( half basement above grade )

    Hello,I have read article on here about insulating basement.but my situation is unique.I’m going with 4” of EPS… but what is best practice when half of the wall of basement…

  • Question & Answers

    Arbitration Advice

    This is a bit out of the scope of green building, but wanted to see if anyone in the GBA community had any experience with arbitration.  We already have an…

  • Question & Answers


    apologies, I decided to remove this question.

  • Question & Answers

    Best Tape for XPS and House Wrap

    I am insulating a large steel building wall (18' tall).  Looking to install a layer of 1" XPS on the outside of steel girts (seams taped/foamed) followed by a layer…

  • Question & Answers

    Breaking Thermal Bridge – Fireplace

    Hi GBA Community, New Build - Zone 5 - I wanted to ask a straight forward question regarding a new masonry fireplace.  I wanted to attempt to break the thermal…

  • Question & Answers

    Chevy Bolt and other cheap EVs

    Hi All, I always appreciate the smarts and dedication of the GBA Community. It's time to replace the rusty 2003 CRV my son drives to school every day, roughly 70…

  • Question & Answers

    Heat source for garage floor hydronic heat

    Newbie trying to figure out best approach for radiant heat for a 3rd bay garage/workshop.  Question is, what heat source, electric boiler or geothermal heat pump with a ground loop…

  • Question & Answers

    Stubborn Exterior Mildew

    This is a photo of mildew on the underside of a porch ceiling stained with Rubio Hybrid Wood Protector with extra M1 Mildewcide added: The substrate is Doug Fir,…