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General Questions- Page 56 of 1409

  • Question & Answers

    Unvented Low Slope Cathedral Ceiling with EPDM Roof

    I'm building a new home in Vermont with a large living room that has a 1/12 pitch cathedral ceiling.  The roof is constructed with 16" LVLs spanning the entire width,…

  • Question & Answers

    Air sealing attic – how do I address tight roof corners?

    Just had some original 1967 vintage r15 mineral wool batts pulled from my attic and will attempt to do my own air sealing. I have a shallow pitched roof so…

  • Question & Answers

    10 Mil Stego and Vertical XPS Layer Order

    All,Our plans call for 10 mil under the XPS of our slab-on-grade house in Idaho with vertical XPS at the stem walls and under the slab (see atch'd image).The contractor…

  • Question & Answers

    Radon with Slab on Grade – How much pipe is enough?

    Hey All,We are working on our slab-on-grade, single level, 2100 sf house in Idaho.  Just in case we find radon seeping in, I want to have some mitigation measures in…

  • Question & Answers

    Dimpled Membrane as Thermal Break Under Steel Stud track in Basements

    Hi everyone,  I'm planning to use a dimpled membrane (R value 4) under steel stud track on a concrete slab in my basement. The goal is to prevent thermal bridging. I'd…

  • Question & Answers

    barrier between metal roof & rigid

    new residential construction in 5b. bottom to top unvented assembly: plywood, sa membrane (adhero), 6" polyiso, then metal roof. then likely solar on top of it advised to install…

  • Question & Answers

    Spray Foam Quote Help

    Short and sweet- I'm trying to enclose my attic HVAC into my thermal boundary & air seal all in one project. And I am stumped on how much foam thickness…

  • Question & Answers

    Horizontal vent pipes above or below insulation in attic?

    This seems like a simple question but I'm struggling to find a clear answer. I'm redoing the plumbing vent pipes in the attic of a ranch home that will get…

  • Question & Answers

    American Standard Vormax Toilet Flappers

    I have 4 American Standard Vormax one-piece toilets installed in new construction 5 years ago. Given their premium price, they don't move solid waste quite as effectively as a basic…

  • Question & Answers

    Using Bathroom Vents for Whole House Ventilation

    Hi all, I'm a little confused about the concept of running bathroom vents on timers to satisfy the required CFM for whole house ventilation. Even with evenly distributed bathrooms, does…