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General Questions- Page 51 of 1409

  • Question & Answers

    Steel strapping in lieu of bridging joists?

    In renovating my 100 year old house I am trying to strengthen the somewhat bouncy floors. 2x8 spanning 14 feet and 2x6 spanning 13ft, etc. We have sistered some joists…

  • Question & Answers

    Box netting for rafter blow in insulation (where to buy?)

    Looking for a source for box netting for blown-in insulation at the rafter level (now code compliant and one option for air permeable insulation in combination with a vapor diffusion…

  • Question & Answers

    Blocking Thermal Bridge at Garage Doors

    Hello All - I hope that you are all having a great day!I've read through some threads and absorbed some of the recommendations related to dealing with thermal bridges where…

  • Question & Answers

    rafter insulation under skip sheathing in unvented assembly

    I've seen the recommendation that there be no air gap between the sheathing and insulation when filling the rafters for an unvented assembly, but I missed the explanation on why…

  • Question & Answers

    underground water shutoff?

    This is going to be an odd one.I need to get a water line into my new workshop. We are on a rural property with a well. Option 1 is…

  • Question & Answers

    Ideal indoor climate conditions during construction?

    I am curious, what is the ideal temp and RH on a construction site? When should I expect to see it normalize (mainly RH)? Sorry if this is a stupid…

  • Question & Answers

    proper fill beneath monolithic, insulated slab

    Just getting ready for site preparation, and wanting to double check a couple of things. I contacted the engineer who drew up my plans to clarify, but I'm getting crickets…

  • Question & Answers

    Plywood and polyiso sandwiched between vapor barriers?

    Hi all, I have one final detail question before I can begin my exterior insulation roof install that I’m really stumped on. From the endless articles and threads I’ve read…

  • Question & Answers

    TimberHP in basement

    I was going to use mineral wool insulation in a current basement remodel project.  My insulation sub said he has been having trouble sourcing mineral wool insulation and brought up…

  • Question & Answers

    How to insulate open ceiling in detached garage

    Planning on insulating a detached garage to use as my gym/workshop. Garage is about 20x24. The walls are pretty straightforward batts with drywall. My concern in the ceiling. I don’t…