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General Questions- Page 50 of 1409

  • Question & Answers

    Old Barn Wall Assembly

    I’m working on a 2 story 2,400 sq ft barn with traditional framing on 24” centers that was built in approximately the 40’s.  Someone slapped a bunch of OSB on…

  • Question & Answers

    Insulating garage and laundry room in Florida (Concrete blocks and wood)

    I am looking to insulate my garage and adjacent laundry room. I will buy insulated garage door as well. I am in Gainesville, FL, just installed tiles and painted, using…

  • Question & Answers

    Variation of Slab Free Foundation

    I have done a few slabless "floating floors" for clients wherein rigid foam is placed on compacted crushed stone, then two layers of subfloor, then the finished floor. I like…

  • Question & Answers

    Bookish Question

    I've been approached by a retired librarian/author to build a small outbuilding on his property (Northwest Vermont, zone 6) in order to store his books. In searching for ways to…

  • Question & Answers

    Programming an ERV to regulate balanced air pressure?

    I don’t understand why depressurization has not been solved yet. When it comes to ERVs - can they not be programmed to respond to air pressure or at least programmed…

  • Question & Answers

    Stucco Paint – Acrylic or Elastomeric?

    What is the best paint to use on exterior stucco. Located in the desert southwest and it is an ICF house with a fiber-reinforced conventional stucco.Some say acrylic and others…

  • Question & Answers

    Insulating Historic Texas Home

    I live in a 1910 stick-frame home in Texas that is completely uninsulated.  We are fixing the pier and beam foundation right now so this is an opportune moment to…

  • Question & Answers

    Air sealing rimfieldstone foundation from exterior

    Recently had my home air sealed and insulated by MassSave but I can still feel air coming through in places. In new builds, I see liquid flashing being applied at…

  • Question & Answers

    Recommended Finish for Slab that is to be polished after the framing is complete?

    Hey,Question about concrete finish that the concrete crew should shoot for to later achieve a Gloss Level of 2 and an Aggregate Exposure Level of B.The concrete sub won't be…

  • Question & Answers

    Building Envelopes

    groundwork for discussing how metal fabrication specifically contributes to energy efficiency in building envelopes, ..