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General Questions- Page 5 of 1395

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    Book on Structural Engineering/Residential Construction (PWF)

    I am working (still) on a PGH house design. Playing with a PWF design based on Building Science Corporation (BSI-020) - see attached. The soil type is sandy loam and…

  • Question & Answers

    Over the Range Microwave not venting well

    I replaced a super old range hood fan with a Panasonic OTR microwave 400cfm and regret it big time, the fans are in the back and is useless for steam…

  • Question & Answers

    Creaky brand new floor above joist hangers?

    Our new flooring has been installed and we have loud creaking. Videos here for your viewing pleasure if you dare, you only need to watch the first one to get…

  • Question & Answers

    Advantec x-factor?

    Hi,I am doing a concrete free slab in coastal Maine.  When I lay my subfloor, it will be over compacted sand, 4 inches of EPS, a vapor barrier and sleepers. …

  • Question & Answers

    Rot found during renovation.

    Does anyone have experience with dealing with some rotted OSB?  It took 20 years to get like this and thankfully does not appear to be effecting the building structurally.Rather than…

  • Question & Answers

    Black mold behind baseboards in basement

    Hello, I removed the baseboard in the basement and saw that most walls had spots of black mold behind the baseboard. I am pretty sure that the wall base plate is…

  • Question & Answers

    Interior Prosoco R guard to transition between air control layers

    I've seen a few details on how best transition an air barrier on the exterior of the building walls to the interior of a ceiling. It had always seemed a…

  • Question & Answers

    Zehnder price shock: best bang for buck alternative?

    Looking at a Q600 quote for our build. 2150 conditioned feet on main level and another 2150 conditioned feet in the basement.Quote came to $16,783 and does not include commissioning.So…

  • Question & Answers

    Did I make a big mistake? Bathroom fan

    I miscalculated my fan size my bathroom is 11x13 and 8 foot ceiling I bought a 110cfm fan. According to the calculations I was suppose to get 143cfm. The fan…

  • Question & Answers

    Panasonic lower cfm is stronger than higher cfm??

    I have a bathroom fan that is 70-90cfm Panasonic whisper boost which is on 90cfm, dimensions of the opening is around 9” across the coverI have another bathroom fan panasonic…