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General Questions- Page 48 of 1409

  • Question & Answers

    parging for slab edge insulation

    My plan calls for rigid foam insulation on the slab edge, covered by 1/4" of parging. In order to get the right thickness I'm using courses of two different insulation…

  • Question & Answers

    Can I leave part of basement wall un-insulated?

    I'm insulating my basement walls with rigid foam panels. My heat pump water heater sits in a little bay, where it is positioned so that there is not enough room…

  • Question & Answers

    How to straighten coiled, thick (4/0) aluminum electrical wire?

    I bought 144' of 4/0 AWG aluminum XHHW-2 wire (roughly 0.6" diameter) that came in a coil.  Probably because I didn't unroll it the right way, it has the shape…

  • Question & Answers

    What is Calculating minisplit COP?

    I live in north NH (zone 4a) and recently had a Mitsubishi MXZ-36NAHZ hyper heat pump with 5 ductless indoor units installed at/in my home.

  • Question & Answers

    check my math for slab heat loss?

    Trying to decide between R22 and R33 options of under slab insulation for my workshop. After trying a couple of web based calculators that spat out nonsense numbers, I decided…

  • Question & Answers

    Reliable calculator for roof assembly R values?

    I was recently mislead by an assembly R value calculator on an insulation company's website. Surprising because the data wasn't skewed in their favor, but looks like the flaw was…

  • Question & Answers

    Poly or Intello interior vapour barrier?

    We just started installing 6 mil pol as our interior vapour control layer in a new build project. Originally it was to be Intello as per architect. Builder switched to…

  • Question & Answers

    Commercial Addition to Floating Slab Structure

    A client is asking me to design an addition of a 60'x 30' warehouse structure to an existing 40'x 30' commercial structure. They drive forklifts inside, and need the slab…

  • Question & Answers

    Net free vent area + rafter blocking hole size

    I'm calculating net free vent area for a cathedral ceiling and wanted to run my calculations by the experts here. I believe the IRC calls for a minimum of 1/150…

  • Question & Answers

    Water proofing Exterior Casing on Marvin Windows

    Hey, A client has asked me to do exterior casing (1x4) for their new windows.  This is new construction.  She requested no exterior sill and its being sided in clapboards. …