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General Questions- Page 44 of 1409

  • Question & Answers

    Question about how to leverage good building practices in development deals

    I have a question about how to influence better building practices in affordable housing. As a volunteer, I serve on a board of directors at the Yampa Valley Housing Authority; this is a quasi-governmental…

  • Question & Answers

    European door sill extension

    Hello all,Im ordering some Schuco windows and doors from performance building supply.  Im wondering how other people have detailed the sill extension on these kinds of doors.  I would like…

  • Question & Answers

    Insulation Contractor in LA/Ventura who can work w/ Rockwool, cork, wood fiber batt

    Can anyone recommend any insulation contractors in LA/Ventura County who are willing and able to work with TimberHP wood batt for wall insulation and Rockwool, Thermacork for unvented cathedral roof…

  • Question & Answers

    Will this assembly give me vapor issues?

    Hello GBA community, Finishing an unfinished loft and garage and want to make sure I don't create any vapor issues. Both will be heated and cooled with a mini split.…

  • Question & Answers

    How to get rid of musty smell on inside of sheathing after leak has been eliminated

    I'm working on a project in a crawl space. Huge thanks to Malcom for advice in another thread on how I might add additional insulation.However, I am now facing an…

  • Question & Answers

    Air Barrier Integrity with Penetrating Fasteners

    Hi all, to my understanding nailbase roof exterior insulation manufacturers allow (in some instances insist) installing the nailbase fasteners directly to the plywood roof deck, with the screws driven ¾”…

  • Question & Answers

    ceiling-roof insulation 1880’s Vermont

    Hello,  I live in Montpelier Vermont and am renovating a 1880's house. the upstairs bedrooms have 3 regular walls and 1 that is the pitch of the roof. The pitched ceiling/roof…

  • Question & Answers

    HFO -> HFC-23

    I’m not qualified to comment on this but I thought the community might have someone with a basis for a more informed opinion:;DR: some common HFOs may degrade in the…

  • Question & Answers

    Insulating a stepped concrete wall

    My house is from the 1980s and is a bit of an energy hog. I live in British Columbia - similar climate to Seattle. I've been chipping away at projects. This year,…

  • Question & Answers

    ERV vs HRV decision using historical data on psychrometric chart

    I'm trying to finalize the decision between an ERV and HRV for my home.  Would appreciate feedback on the approach below which I haven't seen used before.I found software called…