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General Questions- Page 43 of 1409

  • Question & Answers

    Fresh air on a budget?

    What are some budget-minded ways to supply balanced ventilation to a tight envelope room? I was originally leaning toward an exhaust only system using a bathroom exhaust fan, but now…

  • Question & Answers

    Retrofitting Exterior on 1930s Home

    I’m in the process of redoing the siding and roofing on my 1920s home in climate zone 4 (NJ).  We currently have original tongue and groove sheathing on the entire…

  • Question & Answers

    Owner Builder Insurance

    Hey All,A similar question was asked a few years ago, but I know the insurance landscape is constantly changing. With so many folks on this forum building their own home…

  • Question & Answers

    Retrofit insulation within cathedral ceiling while re-roofing

    Hello!We are re-roofing our house in Western Massachusetts this year. As we have cathedral ceilings, it seems like a good time to consider anything we can do to give ourselves…

  • Question & Answers

    Basement Questions

    1 - What should the rough opening be around a basement window in a finished room?CZ 6aWindow will be uPVC and used as an emergency exit for a downstairs office/bedroom. …

  • Question & Answers

    Crawl space ventilation

    Dear All - my home was built in 1985. The basement includes a crawl space under the kitchen, family room, and laundry area - this makes up about half of…

  • Question & Answers

    ERV Troubleshooting – UltimateAir DX200

    I built my house about 4 years ago and within a year both my UltimateAir DX200s stopped working and UltimateAir went out of business.  See this thread:'ve finally got around…

  • Question & Answers

    Capillary break between concrete wall & PT window buck

    My foundation contractor is going to leave the pressure treated lumber in the wall that was used to create the rough opening for the basement windows. Question is, should I…

  • Question & Answers

    Designing a pretty good homestead outbuilding/detached garage

    OK lot’s to say. I am trying to make progress with figuring out our garage design because the house is coming along and we do really need an outbuilding. It…

  • Question & Answers

    Pressure drop in roof exhaust vent

    Planning the ERV install in my conditioned attic, there is only room on the gable end for a single vent, for the intake, and I will be having an exhaust…