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General Questions- Page 42 of 1409

  • Question & Answers

    Roof Assembly in zone 6

    Hello,I'm looking at building a 32x60 single story ICF house in climate zone 6, upstate NY.  I'm trying to create a simple, bulletproof R60 ceiling by using engineered open web…

  • Question & Answers

    Is sheathing necessary? Detached garage

    Designing a new detached garage, trying to determine the assemblies and overall strategy. Hoping for it to be partially or fully insulated/conditioned to use as a shop and hobby space.A…

  • Question & Answers

    Insulating cavity inside a wall thimble

    Good morning everyone,I'm located in zone 4, and predominantly a "cooled" environment (HVAC is cooling the house more than warming it throughout the year). We are adding a small woodstove…

  • Question & Answers

    Using Rmax as partial attic radiant barrier?

    I have some 1" RMax foil faced rigid polyiso left over from a project.A portion of my home has a vented attic that gets far too hot.  It has been…

  • Question & Answers

    Void filling under footers for pier & beam from erosion

    Have a property in north texas with clay soil. Lots of erosion with large voids under the perimeter concrete footers that i'd like to fill. Erosion issues have been corrected…

  • Question & Answers

    DIY shower wall panels

    We intend to have a shower in the second bathroom in the home we are building.  Shower stalls and even kits are ridiculously priced for what they are.  I want…

  • Question & Answers

    insulation attachment detail in monolithic slab

    I’m planning on choosing rockwool comfortboard as exterior, below-grade insulation for my monolithic slab. My climate zone only requires vertical insulation on the slab. ...

  • Question & Answers

    True double casement windows

    I am wondering what the options are for high performance double casement windows - or if this is even possible given the sealing details at the interface between the two…

  • Question & Answers

    Subfloor Options

    I'm building a house and while I have most of the nitty gritty details planned out in my head, I can't decide the most cost effective and comfortable detail for…

  • Question & Answers

    Fresh air on a budget?

    What are some budget-minded ways to supply balanced ventilation to a tight envelope room? I was originally leaning toward an exhaust only system using a bathroom exhaust fan, but now…