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General Questions- Page 41 of 1409

  • Question & Answers

    Cut holes for appliance before or after drywall?

    I am building a small unit that will have a mini split, range hood, and ERV. I am reading that these are usually installed before drywall. It makes sense to…

  • Question & Answers

    Cathedral Ceiling Retrofit From Exterior

    Hello,I have a late 60's cathedral ceiling, unvented, with no effective air barrier on the interior. The interior ceiling is plywood with no plastic or sealing of any sort, and…

  • Question & Answers

    Roofing material for water catchment

    Hello,I am designing a water catchment for my zone 6 coastal maine house.  Its a 3/12 single pitch roof.   The roof can only be viewed by the squirrels, as it…

  • Question & Answers

    Underlayment needed below above-deck rigid foam insulation?

    I'm retrofitting rigid foam above my roof deck.  For the air barrier on the existing sheathing - my contractor is suggesting self-adhered SBS ice & water across the entire roof…

  • Question & Answers

    OK to tie yard drain into downspout line?

    I have a very small area in my yard I'd like to drain. Easier than a separate trench going to daylight would be tying into the downspout system, which is…

  • Question & Answers

    Frost skirt insulation.. 8”!??

    Hey everyone,location is Whitehorse, Yukon, climate zone 7a.I have recently received some information back from a local geo-tech company about our proposed frost protected shallow slab. Based one photos and…

  • Question & Answers

    Insulate attached garage that already has drywall

    After a 2-year construction project elsewhere on the property, I'm excited to get my garage (which had become a staging area for tools/materials) organized and usable again. But before I…

  • Question & Answers

    Book Recommendations on Drawing Floor Plans?

    I am a carpenter by trade, and I'm trying to design and build my own high-performance home. I have a background in high-performance remodeling, additions, and new construction, and I've…

  • Question & Answers

    Can you put ice and water shield over synthetic underlayment ?

    A little over 5 years ago I had my roof replaced . The roofer salesman upsold me an ice and wind shield on the entire roof deck . When they…

  • Question & Answers

    Roof Assembly Question: Foam Board Insulation Ok Directly Over Rafters/Purlins?

    Hi,We are going to be building our home using an unconventional hybrid  "Barndominium" type construction method that will use steel columns and trusses with wooden 2x6 girts and 2x10 purlins/rafters…