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General Questions- Page 40 of 1409

  • Question & Answers

    Mitsubishi Rated Minimum Capacity vs Part Load Capacity Charts

    Hi all,I'm a homeowner looking to get a 2-zone minisplit system installed in my home and I'm trying to decide between the 20k and 24k Mistubishi MXZ outdoor units. My…

  • Question & Answers

    Best approach to air sealing existing outlets?

    Currently engaged in an energy efficiency upgrade. We have largely figured out most of the air barrier and sealed with a mix of membrane (Henry Blueskin), tapes+liquids (Tescon and Visconn),…

  • Question & Answers

    wall penetrations in ICF

    Any thoughts on the wisdom of running 1" pvc in the ICF forms to provide for the exterior outlets and lights?  I'm thinking that doing it that way will minimize…

  • Question & Answers

    Range hood – am I looking for a unicorn?

    So elusive, impossible to find. No, I'm not talking about a unicorn. It's about the range hood.Scenario: new construction airtight PGH and all-electric. We are looking for a 36" chimney-style…

  • Question & Answers

    Rheem ProTerra 50 Gal Heat Pump Water Heater – Pricing

    HD is running a special on the ProTerra 50 GAL Heat Pump Water Heater. Typically they sell for $1,860 and the sale price is $1,490. Is that pricing decent for…

  • Question & Answers

    Proper installation of large triple glazed hybrid windows

    Hello everyone,Not too sure who to turn to, so some opinions would be really appreciated.I just got my windows installed, they’re triple glazed, quite large (8’ width x 6’ height),…

  • Question & Answers

    Advice for New Orleans Crawlspace?

    Retrofitting my old shotgun in New Orleans. It sits on short piers above an open crawlspace. The floor is a single layer of old heart pink planks. There are countless…

  • Question & Answers

    uPVC Exterior Doors

    Hi All, I'm building in CZ5 and we're going with Schuco uPVC windows. They also offer matching doors, and I can't find a ton of literature on them. Does anyone have…

  • Question & Answers

    Competitors to Zender

    We are building a passive house in Maple Ridge BC Canada. We were given a quote when we started the process and in the last 6 months the installer has…

  • Question & Answers

    Sub Slab Polyiso

    Hello all, I'd like to bring up a discussion point.  I can obtain Polyiso boards at a similar price per inch to EPS (factory seconds).   I have come across this…