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General Questions- Page 39 of 1409

  • Question & Answers

    Sprayed Rim Joist seal with – Open Cell foam ( Zone 5 )

    Hello,I been working on finishing basement, house is 5 years old in Niagara Falls NYRim joist was stuffed with Pink Glass Insulation - and covered with Poly.I removed the fiberglass…

  • Question & Answers

    Additional Insulation in Cathedral Ceilings

    Hello,I live in South Louisiana and am preparing for our upcoming hot summer.  I have a new baby at home so am focusing on making the house much more comfortable…

  • Question & Answers

    Run Radiant pex straight across thickened slab

    Hey all,I have a slab on grade we are building with radiant heat pex.  Some of the zones traverse a portion of the slab that is thickened to support load…

  • Question & Answers

    Is “sleeper” the correct term for a 2x?

    Is "sleeper" the correct term for a 2x that is screwed vertically to the top of a existing roof truss, and extends past the outside wall when adding eave overhang…

  • Question & Answers

    HPWH vented to *and* from attic

    Question about where to duct air from for a HPWH.  I've looked around a bit, but haven't found an answer to this specific question, in my climate.We are in the…

  • Question & Answers

    Protect new CMU wall from backfill?

    Hi all, I just had a new CMU wall, ~20" high put up between the finished portion of my basement (slab poured by previous owner) and the portion that is still…

  • Question & Answers

    Exposed Rockwool Comfortbatt in conditioned space?

    I believe you are allowed to have exposed Rockwool Comfortboard in your conditioned space. (e.g. as a thermal barrier over rigid foam when used to insulate rim joists in an…

  • Question & Answers

    Second floor radiant heating

    Hi,I installed heat pump, staple-up hydronic heating in our first floor (from the crawl space), and we love it. We are now building out our second floor, which right now…

  • Question & Answers

    Ground Roof on FPSF

    Hello,I am working out the details on my fpsf, zone 6 coastal maine.  I have 4 feet of wing insulation all the way around and I am using type II…

  • Question & Answers

    Hot attic with ducts and gas appliances, feel limited on what my options are

    Hello, My husband and I bought a small home built in 1930 in Texas (climate zone 2B). We finished renovating it a year ago. We are having some issues with our…