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General Questions- Page 37 of 1409

  • Question & Answers

    Stucco building science – Hayward CA – Climate Zone 3C

    Hi Building Friends, I'm looking for some help confirming the details for the siding for my property. I happened to ask ChatGPT for a complete stucco solution for a new construction…

  • Question & Answers

    Panasonic ERV – do I need to add motorized dampers?

    I bought a Panasonic ERV Intelli-Balance 100 Energy Recovery Ventilator (Temperate Climate) FV-10VE2 and I’m wondering if I need to add motorized dampers to the fresh and/or exhaust air ducts?  And,…

  • Question & Answers

    How much air space to roof deck with only R10 above the top plate?

    The ends of my 2x2 trusses are 3" tall, so I have that small space to work with.  How much of a air gap should I leave between the foam…

  • Question & Answers

    Material choice for spacing window nailing flanges around rigid foam

    Figured someone else has been faced with this one, so figured I would ask: I putting 1" rigid foam on the outside walls of a new construction building.  I was strongly…

  • Question & Answers

    Unvented Roof on ICF House – Underlayment, OSB Tape, Thermal Breaks?

    Edit: simplified this question and posted in Q&A per Martin's instructions to another user.I'm in climate zone 3a (Oklahoma) and working out the roofing system of a 2:12 single slope…

  • Question & Answers

    Quietest Condensate Pump?

    I have my hvac energized in my house build and while the air handler is almost silent, the condensate pump is quite noisy.  I have the air handler inside the…

  • Question & Answers

    Using leftover R-Max

    The leftover R-Max I have is either getting used this weekend or going to the landfill.In the responses to my original question about using it as a radiant barrier, the…

  • Question & Answers

    Roofs, Snow and Gutters

    I believe that I understand the following:- That in snowy climates, let's say CZ 6 and above-- you don't want to install gutters because snow shedding off the roof will…

  • Question & Answers

    time scheduling a “dumb” electric water heater

    I just got an EV, and switched to an ultra low overnight rate plan. The cost of getting this ultralow overnight rate ($0.068CAD/kWh, delivery, taxes, regulatory charges included) is an…

  • Question & Answers

    Heat Pump Water Heater Placement

    Hey All,New construction build in CZ 6. The basement is half finished basement (conditioned and airsealed) and half drive under garage (unheated and airsealed). Currently, we have a 4' x 5'…