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General Questions- Page 35 of 1409

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    Flashing window bucks for outie windows with drainage plane at sheathing

    I’m about to start re-siding my house. I’m stripping it back to the original sheathing boards (ca. 1885) and am going to use 7/16 Forcefield sheathing (Georgia Pacific’s version of…

  • Question & Answers

    Exterior Insulation Over Stucco

    Hello, I live in a 1946 two story 1300sqft house in climate zone 7, Manitoba Canada. The stucco on the house is in very good shape, hard to remove, and…

  • Question & Answers


    Has anyone heard if Klearwall is still in business or not. I have not been able to get in touch with them regarding service. Thank you, David

  • Question & Answers

    Mini Split Head Placement on Sloped Ceiling and Insulation Thickness for Linesets

    I'm working on installing Mitsubishi mini splits in my house, and I have a couple of questions that I'm hoping someone can help with. I know that Mitsubishi recommends a…

  • Question & Answers

    Foam degradation with age, and false advertisement?

    Ive been looking at different foam boards because Ive read they have the highest r-values per inch. Im now reading that manufacturers are overstating the R-values for polyiso by 6%, and…

  • Question & Answers

    Tyvek over Celotex

    Can you put Tyvek house wrap over 3/4" Celotex foil faced insulation board . I'm putting new siding up and thought about putting on Tyvek over the Celotex  Thank youHermie

  • Question & Answers

    Heat Pump Water Heater inadequate – looking for solutions

    Hi,Two years ago we replaced our 50 gallon gas water heater with a Bradford White Aerotherm 50 gallon heat pump water heater.   The new heat pump water heater is set…

  • Question & Answers

    Go Big Or Go Home – Taking a Commercial Bldg Geothermal

    I own a large historic commercial office building - 200,000 square feet.My goal is to convert it into 180 apartments.   The positive is I have 2 surface parking lots on…

  • Question & Answers

    Base overhang water infiltration, how to flash?

    Hello, I have this base overhang that houses the gas fireplace (Pic. 1). The builders (or some previous owners) had put 2x10 boards to cover the base, all the way to…

  • Question & Answers

    Frost protection for outdoor shower

    I’m planning an uninsulated outdoor shower that will be attached to (but outside of) the building envelope of our new construction slab on grade home (12” frost depth).  Laying sub…