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General Questions- Page 32 of 1408

  • Question & Answers

    Load Calculation Dissagreement

    I was performing a customer interview before performing an energy audit. All of the customers complaints clearly pointed to an oversized A/C system: High Humidity, unit turning on and off…

  • Question & Answers

    Is code min really enough for unvented roofs?

    In my readings of exterior insulation requirements for condensation control, I noticed the interior assumption is 70F @ 40RH. However, is this really a realistic specification? Generally aren’t temps and humidity…

  • Question & Answers

    Tool and Procedure Name for calibrating stale air collection ports?

    Hi. I am in zone 4a and have about finished installation of my ERV. I have a ductless mini split heat pump, so the ducting I have is only for the…

  • Question & Answers

    Finding a Qualified HVAC Contractor in CT

    Our build in CT is finally getting started, but there's one aspect that isn't 100% nailed down yet - the HVAC. The house is a ~4,500 sqft two-story with a…

  • Question & Answers

    Insulated well covers that won’t need aux heat for zone 4?

    I am looking for recommendations on either a ready to use well head cover or specs on how to build one so that I won’t need a heater or light…

  • Question & Answers

    Code on placement of anchor bolts in bottom plate of 2×6 width-wise

    Anyone know the code for bottom plate anchor bolt placement from the short edges 5.5 inch (2x6)?I am not talking about the min. OC or from ends of boards, but…

  • Question & Answers

    QuietWalk underlayment around vents

    Hello,I'm putting QuietWalk Plus over Advantech and then Amorim cork planks over that. My question is, should I do anything special around floor vents? Should I tape the QW down so…

  • Question & Answers

    Greywater system: p-traps and vent?

    In my new workshop I'm going to have a floor drain for car runoff and a utility sink. The drain will run through a filter bag to a drain basin…

  • Question & Answers

    Polyiso inside 2×6 wall?

    Hello, I've started in on some conceptual designs for a renovation project that was built in North central Vermont in 2006 and have discovered some interesting wall assembly details. From…

  • Question & Answers

    have heat pump water heaters improved in the last 2 years?

    I'm beginning to seriously consider installing a heat pump water heater but I see many complaints about Rheem that are ~3 years old, with few comments less than 2 years…