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General Questions- Page 31 of 1408

  • Question & Answers

    bathroom vent sucking in attic air

    Hello,I moved into a house a few years ago and installed a bathroom vent. It previously functioned with just a window, but it would create a hurricane with the shower…

  • Question & Answers

    Stem wall interior & exterior poured, then build before slab?

    Gentlemen, my engineer said we could have our addition framed and dried in before having the slab poured.  The reason I'm liking this idea is to have ample time to…

  • Question & Answers

    Reframing (over-framing) garage roof

    I am proposing to reframe my garage roof per the attached sketch. My primary question: is a “ridge board” sufficient in this case ? Edit: typo on one measurement. The total…

  • Question & Answers

    General Contractor Recommendation

    Any recommendations for a general contractor in Bergen County, NJ that is familiar with exterior insulation/outsulation, air sealing detail, and chainsaw retrofit in addition to general work (addition, kitchen and…

  • Question & Answers

    Unvented Roof Assembly Best Practice/Method

    Hello!I'm in climate zone 6, 2/12 pitch, shed roof, building elevations attached.I'm using Zip as a primary air barrier, prefer to use Rockwool for all my insulation (install myself possibly…

  • Question & Answers

    Multiple Zehnder ComfoAir 70 ERV good solution for Ventilation?

    We renovated a 860 sq ft home to 1487 sq ft. It is sealed well, new windows, and fully insulated in climate zone 2A (Texas). We have all our duct…

  • Question & Answers

    Shear Wall Sheathing and Siga Wigluv tape over top plate

    Hey all,Shear wall table shows only that the 4x8 OSB shall be horizontal and blocked.  There is now a discussion about the minimum width of a piece being 24"x4'x8'.  Our…

  • Question & Answers

    Remedy For Out of Square Stem Walls

    Hey All,Framer on site today identified two stem walls of our slab-on-grade foundation that are about 2 inches out of square.  We talked through shifting the walls to be mostly…

  • Question & Answers

    Is it possible to retrofit a unconditioned attic to a conditioned attic?

    Help Requested: Is it possible to retrofit an unconditioned attic to a conditioned attic?If yes, what are the steps?Project Details- Climate Zone: 2Home Built: 2017Type: ProductionRoof: Hip and Valley, 24”…

  • Question & Answers

    Load Calculation Dissagreement

    I was performing a customer interview before performing an energy audit. All of the customers complaints clearly pointed to an oversized A/C system: High Humidity, unit turning on and off…