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General Questions- Page 3 of 1395

  • Question & Answers

    monitoring water use, comparing showerhead rating vs reality

    I'd considered getting a 1.25gpm showerhead to decrease water use but was worried it wouldn't be enough since our current showerhead is rated at 1.75gpm, which we've been perfectly happy…

  • Question & Answers

    I-Joist Questions

    We are in the process of shelf building a 20x36ft two story house. Our plan was to use 11 7/8 L/480 I joists to span 20ft 16oc, however, after reading…

  • Question & Answers

    HVAC Electrification Plan

    I've been electrifying my house over the last couple of years and the last thing on my list is the HVAC system.  I'm looking for thoughts/opinions how to best go…

  • Question & Answers

    What Are the Best Robot Vacuum Cleaners with Intelligent Navigation for Homes in Dubai?

    I recently went through the same search and found some great options! Based on my experience, here are some of the best robot vacuum cleaners with intelligent navigation for homes…

  • Question & Answers

    mini split heat pump replacement advice

    My Fujitsu 9RLS3H heat pump (installed in 2018) has a leak somewhere. The tech ruled out the flared connections at the outdoor unit. While it's possible there's a leak at…

  • Question & Answers

    What is more efficient – Radiant Heat using Heat Pump Water Heater, or a Heat Pump ducted system?

    Assumptions:- 2000 SF home (2 level, conditioned crawl space)- Pretty Good House: Tight, r26 walls, r60 vented roof spaceAssuming the home is going to have a ducted heat pump system…

  • Question & Answers

    Should I convert to unvented?

    The resource I usually bounce these questions off is dealing with some significant health issues so I really appreciate any help on this!I have a walk out attic space on…

  • Question & Answers

    Secure polyiso temporarily to roof deck, nails or screws?

    Hi all, curious what you normally use to secure polyiso to a steep roof deck? Are cap nails strong enough or are screws with special spacers better?How far embedment past…

  • Question & Answers

    Shower Membrane for Roof Deck

    I have a neighbor who has neighbor who has a roof deck that is leaking. The roof deck is installed over the primary bedroom with ensuite and from what I…

  • Question & Answers

    Funky Attic Ductwork situation

    I live on the gulf coast, zone 2 hot/humid.Current project is finishing the attic of my old house. It's a duplex, and the attic goes across both sides of the…