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General Questions- Page 28 of 1408

  • Question & Answers

    Drain plane behind XPS rigid foam

    Hello, We are in climate zone 6 and plan to remove vinyl siding and install metal siding (something like McElroy Max Rib panel or Wave panel).Our current WRB is 1/2”…

  • Question & Answers

    Deck ledger flashing on wall with continuous insulation

    Morning folks,I'm trying to wrap my head around how to best detail our deck ledger. We have 1" silverboard HD XS going on the walls and the foundation is ICF.…

  • Question & Answers

    Do I need trim over the siding on the gable end for hardie installation

    I’m on Long Island in NY and I am looking to add new hardie siding on our residence that is currently cedar sided. The house has very few overhangs and…

  • Question & Answers

    Air tight office humidity

    I built a tiny 7x9 office and while I haven't done a blower door test I was extremely meticulous in air sealing. I live in Portland, OR and even though…

  • Question & Answers

    How do you cover rusted gas pipes and meter

    Hope everyone is well. I have an external natural gas line entering the house on the side that is very visible and looks bad aesthetically. The pipe has rusted. Can…

  • Question & Answers

    movable window insulation for 14 large windows

    Hi all,I have a  passive solar (not passiv haus)house in North Texas that works very well most of the time. It is efficient in the summer and also quite comfortable…

  • Question & Answers

    no vapour barrier under slab?

    The engineer who designed my insulated slab is giving me advice contrary to what I've read on here, and frankly contrary to what makes intuitive sense to me. When I…

  • Question & Answers

    Copper barrier for termites?

    I’ve been considering the various ways I can address subterranean termite issues as I work on re-siding my house. Currently, the house sits on 6x6 sill beams, some of which have…

  • Question & Answers

    R-454b heat pump

    Hello friends. I want to install a ducted heat pump, let’s say a Mr Cool or Mitsubishi or other. I want to get one that uses R-454b refrigerant which of…

  • Question & Answers

    How to calculate assembly perm values when combining different materials?

    I am looking to determine the perm rate for a floor assembly that will consist of Advantech 23/32 subfloor, solid white oak hardwood floor and an underlayment of some type…