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General Questions- Page 26 of 1408

  • Question & Answers

    Unvented Cathedral Ceiling with Spray Foam – Roof Deck Gonna Rot?

    Hey folks,I've been renovating a rural house in Vermont (zone 5b) that was once teeming with squirrels -- yuck.  Had to rip lots of drywall and insulation, then decide how…

  • Question & Answers

    Is a Capillary break between footing & stem necessary with a slab on grade?

    I read in this article that it is advised to use a capillary break between footings and stem wall especially when you have a finished basement.,barrier%20provides%20a%20capillary%20break.My question is, what…

  • Question & Answers

    Prosoco Fast Flash + Forcefield

    Has anyone here used GP's Forcefield sheathing and used Prosoco's Fast Flash for fenestrations? Curious if they work together.Thanks,

  • Question & Answers

    Cathedral ceilings with hipped roof; un-vented retrofit options

    I'm permitting myself a small amount of computer time to put some thoughts on paper as I recover at home from retina surgery.Climate Zone 3a, above the Warm/Humid line (Charlotte). …

  • Question & Answers

    Mudroom Retrofit Questions

    Hi GBA,Retrofitting a mudroom to make it more usable and would love some feedback on the assembly and the overall plan; see attached PDF.Climate Zone 6, just outside Bozeman, MT.Existing:*…

  • Question & Answers

    Venting an under roof heat shield

    I have a shed roof that's radiating a lot of heat into the interior when it's hot and sunny.I'd like to install a radiant barrier of sorts.The easiest option would…

  • Question & Answers

    monitoring AC performance on the hottest days of the year

    Is anyone else watching the thermometer and seeing how their HVAC is handling it with an eye towards design temps? I'm realizing much of this week is at and slightly…

  • Question & Answers

    Window Rough Opening Size with Beveled Siding

    This is a basic question but I’m not really finding a straight answer anywhere . I am going to be framing out windows and using beveled pine siding to create…

  • Question & Answers

    budget friendly sealed crawlspace dehumidifier?

    I am looking for suggestions on budget friendly dehumidifiers for a crawl space.  I am on the final stages of finishing our new house and just had the crawl space…

  • Question & Answers

    Adding Roof Deck Insulation to Cape Cod with Closed Cell Spray Foam

    Background: I own a 1940's Cape Code outside of Buffalo, NY (Climate Zone 5a) and I am in the process of electrifying my house. A heat pump was installed last…