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General Questions- Page 23 of 1395

  • Question & Answers

    Ants in crevice at door threshold corners, exposed plywood

    I noticed something interesting on site yesterday. There is an ant party going on at the bottom corners of the exterior doors where many materials intersect. I think this indicates…

  • Question & Answers

    Insulation under Radiant Heating?

    Section drawings for radiant heat (or hydronic tubing if you prefer) located in or under a subfloor usually show batt insulation under the tubing, with what appears to a ~3"…

  • Question & Answers

    TCNA Requirements for stone tile

    Hello all,I am installing a marble mosaic tile in a half bathroom and I just have a quick question. The current subfloor is Advantech 23/32 T&G installed over 16" o.c. joists.…

  • Question & Answers

    Basement Floor Assembly Details

    I'm in the planning phase of finishing my basement and have a few questions about the floor assembly.Details:-House built in 1987-Poured concrete foundation-Climate zone 5a-Painted foundation wall and slab (this…

  • Question & Answers

    Concrete eating plastic

    Hello all,I just had a concrete floor poured over 6 mil poly.  The concrete contractor told me that the concrete will eat away the plastic.  Has anyone ever heard of…

  • Question & Answers

    Stucco building science – Hayward CA – Climate Zone 3C

    Hi Building Friends, I'm looking for some help confirming the details for the siding for my property. I happened to ask ChatGPT for a complete stucco solution for a new construction…

  • Question & Answers

    Panasonic ERV – do I need to add motorized dampers?

    I bought a Panasonic ERV Intelli-Balance 100 Energy Recovery Ventilator (Temperate Climate) FV-10VE2 and I’m wondering if I need to add motorized dampers to the fresh and/or exhaust air ducts?  And,…

  • Question & Answers

    How much air space to roof deck with only R10 above the top plate?

    The ends of my 2x2 trusses are 3" tall, so I have that small space to work with.  How much of a air gap should I leave between the foam…

  • Question & Answers

    Material choice for spacing window nailing flanges around rigid foam

    Figured someone else has been faced with this one, so figured I would ask: I putting 1" rigid foam on the outside walls of a new construction building.  I was strongly…

  • Question & Answers

    Unvented Roof on ICF House – Underlayment, OSB Tape, Thermal Breaks?

    Edit: simplified this question and posted in Q&A per Martin's instructions to another user.I'm in climate zone 3a (Oklahoma) and working out the roofing system of a 2:12 single slope…