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General Questions- Page 22 of 1395

  • Question & Answers

    Tyvek over Celotex

    Can you put Tyvek house wrap over 3/4" Celotex foil faced insulation board . I'm putting new siding up and thought about putting on Tyvek over the Celotex  Thank youHermie

  • Question & Answers

    Heat Pump Water Heater inadequate – looking for solutions

    Hi,Two years ago we replaced our 50 gallon gas water heater with a Bradford White Aerotherm 50 gallon heat pump water heater.   The new heat pump water heater is set…

  • Question & Answers

    Go Big Or Go Home – Taking a Commercial Bldg Geothermal

    I own a large historic commercial office building - 200,000 square feet.My goal is to convert it into 180 apartments.   The positive is I have 2 surface parking lots on…

  • Question & Answers

    Base overhang water infiltration, how to flash?

    Hello, I have this base overhang that houses the gas fireplace (Pic. 1). The builders (or some previous owners) had put 2x10 boards to cover the base, all the way to…

  • Question & Answers

    Frost protection for outdoor shower

    I’m planning an uninsulated outdoor shower that will be attached to (but outside of) the building envelope of our new construction slab on grade home (12” frost depth).  Laying sub…

  • Question & Answers

    Alternatives to form stakes through radon barrier

    Hey all,I have the rafon barrier in with insulation and pex on top.  Yhe concrete sub was just about to drive some one inch stakes, for form support, through the…

  • Question & Answers


    What is the best green material for new decks?

  • Question & Answers

    Loads and Deflection on XPS Insulated Interior Footings

    We're building a single-story, slab on grade house out in rural Washington State. Very heavy snow loads at 134 psf. Shed roof uses large exposed Glulam Beams often on bearing…

  • Question & Answers

    Unconditioned attic: Attic access hatch in conditioned or unconditioned space?

    Attic will be unconditioned and vented, Zone 5 (Iowa).  Builder proposes attic hatch in garage (which will be unconditioned).  But I wondered if it should be inside the conditioned space.I've…

  • Question & Answers

    Insulating a 1940’s Cape Cod in Climate Zone 7

    I'm remodeling a 950 square foot 1940's cape cod house with an unfinished basement that we plan to insulate in the future. The house is in Southeast Alaska, Climate Zone…