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General Questions- Page 20 of 1395

  • Question & Answers

    How to dial in on each Room’s Specific CFM number.

    Hey All,Some time ago, I had a conversation with the guy doing my Manual J, S and D. In the Man D or S he specified particular CFMs per room.…

  • Question & Answers

    Is ventilation needed for a closed eave overhang on a flat roof, no attic

    I have yet to find any advice about my particular building detail. The roof has both a 1' and 2' overhang, closed off with 1x soffit boards. The main roof…

  • Question & Answers

    rotten wood on corner post

    Hello, I have a corner post (3 sandwiched 2x4s) of our garage where the bottom has some rot (roughly 1/5th of the longways width of two of the 2x4 are…

  • Question & Answers

    Size of storm shelter

    I'm putting a storm shelter in my garage/workshop. I originally had it drawn out as 12.75' x 7.75', which is 99 square feet. Our family has four people and a…

  • Question & Answers

    Should XPS insulation be placed directly below slab?

    We have been told never to place XPS foam insulation directly below the slab due to the fact that if the XPS gets wet, it could hold the moisture indefinitely.…

  • Question & Answers

    Rainscreen for corrugated siding?

    We are planning to use corrugated metal siding over the Benjamin 6mm Obdyke slicker rainscreen, which will be placed over Benjamin Obydke hydro gap for house wrap.My question is, because…

  • Question & Answers

    Help making sense of humidity data for new house

    Hey all.  I've been analyzing temp and humidity data for our new home and am a bit stumped by a pattern I'm seeing.  Was hoping someone here might have a…

  • Question & Answers

    Heat Pump Water Heater In An Already Cool Walkout Basement

    Our natural gas water heater from 1998 needs to be replaced in the near future (not an emergency)...The cheapest and easiest thing would be to replace it with another one…

  • Question & Answers

    T1-11 vs Coravent Rainscreen

    Hey All,For a new construction in CZ6, we will be using vertical wood siding as cladding. The stackup will be R23 rockwool in a 2x6 cavity > 7/16 zip >…

  • Question & Answers

    1917 Bungalow – ridge vent, no intake, no soffits

    Looking for direction on correcting the attic ventilation on a 1917 Bungalow.Roof was just replaced before a change of hands. Ridge vent was added (I assume there was never a…