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General Questions- Page 2 of 1395

  • Question & Answers

    Attached Garage – Vented or Unvented Attic?

    I am working on designing my house and the garage will share one wall with the main house. The main house will have all unvented attics. The obvious answer is that…

  • Question & Answers

    Rigid insulation options

    Hi, I am hoping for some advice on insulation questions. I live in coastal (wet) South Central Alaska, zone 6, and am building a 1,200 sq ft, two-story house (one…

  • Question & Answers

    Using window fan in finished attic to exhaust hot air

    We live in a large (3000sq ft), old (1907) home in Northern Kentucky. Our house has three finished levels and an unfinished basement. In the summer, our A/C (Daikin Fit…

  • Question & Answers

    Ventilation for musty/humid concrete bunker?

    Our house's basement has an original cold war era bunker with concrete floor, ceiling, and walls, and no insulation or heating.  The bunker has a door connecting it to other…

  • Question & Answers

    Best way to insulate small bedroom

    We have a 1925 colonial in New England (Zone 5), and we had cellulose blown in most of the walls when we moved in. In one small bedroom, they ran…

  • Question & Answers

    Waterproofing Below Slab Concrete

    Hey All,Building a house on a steep lot in CZ 6. The uphill-side of the home's basement concrete wall is the basement is the actual basement wall and will be…

  • Question & Answers

    Vented cathedral deep rafter extension detail

    My roof assembly is 2x12" rafters.I want to use r40 [email protected]" so I need to increase the depth to allow a 2" vented channel.All the details I've seen here add…

  • Question & Answers

    Crawl space vapor barrier, Zone 5 California, how high up the crawl space walls, vented vs unvented

    Hello community,I live in Northern California, Zone 5, in a dry climate, hot dry summers, and rain/snow in the winter.  Our basement and crawl space is not heated but the basement…

  • Question & Answers

    Vented next to unvented

    I understand that for sheathing and adjacent rafters this is a bad idea, but what about a stepdown attic space where it's a separate roof? I am thinking of sealing…

  • Question & Answers

    Help sort out the liquid applied WRB options

    We are planning to go with a liquid applied WRB on our remodel, and I'm having a bit of a hard time picking between the different options, was hoping the…