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General Questions- Page 19 of 1395

  • Question & Answers

    Code on placement of anchor bolts in bottom plate of 2×6 width-wise

    Anyone know the code for bottom plate anchor bolt placement from the short edges 5.5 inch (2x6)?I am not talking about the min. OC or from ends of boards, but…

  • Question & Answers

    QuietWalk underlayment around vents

    Hello,I'm putting QuietWalk Plus over Advantech and then Amorim cork planks over that. My question is, should I do anything special around floor vents? Should I tape the QW down so…

  • Question & Answers

    Greywater system: p-traps and vent?

    In my new workshop I'm going to have a floor drain for car runoff and a utility sink. The drain will run through a filter bag to a drain basin…

  • Question & Answers

    Polyiso inside 2×6 wall?

    Hello, I've started in on some conceptual designs for a renovation project that was built in North central Vermont in 2006 and have discovered some interesting wall assembly details. From…

  • Question & Answers

    have heat pump water heaters improved in the last 2 years?

    I'm beginning to seriously consider installing a heat pump water heater but I see many complaints about Rheem that are ~3 years old, with few comments less than 2 years…

  • Question & Answers

    Wrapping a 14 inch tall by 19 foot long exterior LVL

    I have a open cover patio and I am not able to find any general building store or contractor to give me ideas on wrapping my exterior LVL for my…

  • Question & Answers

    Getting rid of Post lights on porch. What to do about the wires?

    Hello,I am working on a concrete porch that is going to end up having a freestanding deck installed over it and extending out into the yard. Currently, there are 2…

  • Question & Answers

    Seal or Not Seal a Cove Joint in Basement

    Should a 3/8-1/2 crack known as a cove joint that runs along perimeter of basement at intersection of wall and floor be sealed? I was visiting a friend living in…

  • Question & Answers

    Sauna Roof

    Hi, I've built an outdoor sauna cabin and looking for advice on the roof assembly!The sauna will have high humidity, heat and moisture inside. So it is important the roof…

  • Question & Answers

    How to dial in on each Room’s Specific CFM number.

    Hey All,Some time ago, I had a conversation with the guy doing my Manual J, S and D. In the Man D or S he specified particular CFMs per room.…