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General Questions- Page 188 of 1412

  • Question & Answers

    Cathedral Ceiling, Cellulose, Foam Board

    I am planning on building a small house that will have a cathedral ceiling.  General details are that it will be approximately 14' wide, and around 25' long.  I am…

  • Question & Answers

    AirThings Support Issues – Anyone had luck with this company?

    I've been using the excellent Hubitat integration for AirThings to integrate a few sensors into my HVAC automation system.   To that end I had purchased two[ Airthings Wave Plus]( sensors, and…

  • Question & Answers

    Italian/European entry door manufacturers

    Traveling in Italy I’m struck by the quality of the doors (and windows), particularly the seals, that I see everywhere.  Makes me have regrets over the Andersens i installed for…

  • Question & Answers

    Insulation causing concrete to crack?

    Hi all,I plan on installing 2inches of GPS rigid foam to the inside walls of my foundation. While talking with my plumber, he mentioned that he was recently on a…

  • Question & Answers

    Deck Ledger Flashing

    Hi all,I am installing a deck on my house and was wonder how I should properly flash it. I plan on using the deck2wall spacers and holding the ledger off…

  • Question & Answers

    Neuffer Windows and Doors

    Hi all, I've recieved a bid from Neuffer, a window and door company operating out of Germnay, for their alu-clad tilt and turn triple pane windows and doors. They seem…

  • Question & Answers

    Insulating Rubble Foundation

    I am making slow progress renovating an old house in Maine--Rotten sills replaced. 10 tons of crushed stone shoveled in via basement window, new support piers and lally columns placed,…

  • Question & Answers

    Sheetrock Drywall for Air Barrier

    Hello. I am doing work this month on my house to fix the insulation in my cathedral ceilings and attic. I have additional areas (see pic) that are somewhat troublesome…

  • Question & Answers

    Insulation in between floors – is it necessary

    Hi,Other than for sound attenuation, what are thoughts regarding adding insulation in basement ceiling and between first and second floor? Does it serve a purpose (other that sound reduction)? ThanksH

  • Question & Answers

    Calculating Heating Load for Air-Source Heat Pump

    Sizing an ASHP from gas furnace consumption data I am trying  to determine the optimal air source heat pump to replace our existing gas furnace before we begin soliciting contractors.…