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General Questions- Page 187 of 1412

  • Question & Answers

    Pole Barn – Exterior Wall Insulation – Addition of EPS on Interior?

    We have a barn in northern Vermont (Greensboro VT- climate zone #4a) and have a question on insulation.We have a Morton pole barn, built last year, with the R-19 fiberglass…

  • Question & Answers

    Summer condensation

    Why am I getting condensation on my wood cathedral ceiling.  The air conditioning is running properly but the heat and humidity are very high outside. 90 degrees plus. At eye…

  • Question & Answers

    Heating and cooling and ventilation advice

    Hello. I currently live in a 1920 home in zone 5a (Westchester county, NY). The home from what I can tell is pretty tight but I haven’t done any actually…

  • Question & Answers

    New floor and joist

    Had to replace all floor joist and want to add two inch isolated board can I put it betw÷n floor joist and sub floor

  • Question & Answers

    drip cap for door flush with framing?

    over the weekend i removed the janky patio door that came with the house and replaced it with a tilt and glide door. i also replaced the transom window above…

  • Question & Answers

    Return Flex Duct in Mobile Home

    I work for a weatherization company that work on low-income family housing. At work there has been a debate about if the return flex duct that runs from the top…

  • Question & Answers

    Fine Homebuilding ProTalk Podcast with Light Can Help You Founder David Warfel

    This is a great Youtube video from Fine Homebuilding's Pro Talk Podcast about the proper methods to use when designing a lighting plan. Can Help You website. the resources section…

  • Question & Answers

    ERV consultation/installation — who to hire?

    Hi,My house is pretty air-tight, so during the summer months, when we run the AC/keep the windows closed, the air gets stale (higher CO2 concentrations). I think an ERV can…

  • Question & Answers

    Cathedral Ceiling, Cellulose, Foam Board

    I am planning on building a small house that will have a cathedral ceiling.  General details are that it will be approximately 14' wide, and around 25' long.  I am…

  • Question & Answers

    AirThings Support Issues – Anyone had luck with this company?

    I've been using the excellent Hubitat integration for AirThings to integrate a few sensors into my HVAC automation system.   To that end I had purchased two[ Airthings Wave Plus]( sensors, and…