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General Questions- Page 183 of 1412

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    Lead painted cedar shingle siding – remove or cover up with another siding?

    Lead painted wood siding. No Tyvek underneath. Should I:A. Tear off the lead painted siding and replace with new. B. Cover with new siding Does anyone have a link on instructions…

  • Question & Answers

    Vapor Barrier

    So we bought a house in western North Carolina several years ago, the house was originally built in 2007. The wall construction is 2x6 studs, OSB sheathing,untaped Tyvek, and Hardie…

  • Question & Answers

    Carpenter ants and foam insulation

    With xps foam as perimeter insulation on my slab it’s a constant battle with carpenter ants. I live in dense forest, and though I’ve got an interval between the house…

  • Question & Answers

    Applied rafters on 7.5/12 Roof

    Hi, I have yet to find a detail for adding applied rafters to my situation, so I drew something up to post here for feedback. The closest I found was…

  • Question & Answers

    Interactive effects of weatherization

    Hi All, I'm running a bunch of energy models to assess the impact of different weatherization interventions. I'm looking at added insulation (wall, floor and ceiling/attic), upgraded windows and air…

  • Question & Answers

    Air-Source Heat Pump for DHW and In-Floor Radiant Heat

    Hello! I am retrofitting a 500 sq. ft. studio (ADU) in the San Francisco Bay Area. The building has radiant heating in the concrete slab. It currently has a gas…

  • Question & Answers

    Flush-Mounted TruFig Outlets

    In a recent video from NS Builders they showed off a kitchen back splash receptacle that was completely flush mounted that looked really cool (minute 2:45) NS Builders…

  • Question & Answers

    Lift-and-Slide Doors

    not every window source provides a lift-n-slide option (eg alpen). the value proposition of the lift-n-slide mechanism around improved air sealing sounds legit. wondering if it's worth sourcing sliders from…

  • Question & Answers

    HPWH Comparison – Which one to choose?

    Has anyone compared the heat pump water heaters brands for noise, reliability, life, construction quality, etc.  I'm looking at 50 gal models from the big 3 manufacturers - A.O. Smith…

  • Question & Answers

    CLT walls and insulation

    Hi everyone, first time post asking a question that I hope some of your experience can help with. I'm working on a design for a cabin with CLT walls and…