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General Questions- Page 182 of 1412

  • Question & Answers

    Best backsplash backer? Are Hardie / alkali tape / thinset airtight?

    Hello, I’m building a kitchen addition. The wall with the stove (not the sink) will have a big tile backsplash, extending up the wall. I've installed a backsplash before, but…

  • Question & Answers

    What Window Manufacturers Use Iron Free Glass?

    If you want to build a near passive house, what is the best window available that uses iron free glass? I know they are more popular in Europe, but I…

  • Question & Answers

    Advice for keeping a new addition basement dry

    We are adding on to a 1960s house in Eastern MA. This will include a full height basement. Our existing basement is dry. We are well above nearby rivers and ponds…

  • Question & Answers

    Liquid vs. Tape Flashing for Sliding Door

    I'm installing some sliding doors on a house with cedar siding and tar paper house wrap. I expect the tar paper will be somewhat damaged when I remove the trim.…

  • Question & Answers

    Designing a New HVAC System during Rehab of Dome Home

    Hello, I am doing a major rehab on a concrete dome home I bought last year. I am trying to decide on the best solution for an all new HVAC…

  • Question & Answers

    Foundation Drainage

    Hello - I have a house that recently had its basement flooded due to intense rains. Throughout the winter and typical rainstorms the basement stays dry - it's just the…

  • Question & Answers

    concrete against rim board

    Hi guys, I have a front porch and a back veranda on a new house build in middle TN and the CMU  is dropped down one course for the concrete…

  • Question & Answers

    Cover and protect old brick wall: seeking advice!

    This community has thought me so much, thank you in advance. I need advice covering an old brick wall. ContextWe're in a 110 year old house in Toronto Canada (cold climate!), double…

  • Question & Answers

    Attached garage below grade

    Our 1925 house in Zone 5 has a below grade garage that is attached to the house. I have attached a side view of this part of the house. The…

  • Question & Answers

    2 in vs 2x 1 in exterior EPS

    I'm in zone 5 and adding 2 inches of EPS over a vapor permeable housewrap (vycor env-s).   I'm planning to use unfaced EPS (still working on sourcing it though).  Is…