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General Questions- Page 177 of 1411

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    Spray painting copper gravity film heat exchanger

    Hi all,Installing a 72" gravity film heat exchanger.  In Philly, things made of copper tend to walk - I want to spray paint the GFX black so it looks like…

  • Question & Answers

    Copper pipes 1/2″ from wall. If I spray foam but leave a 4″ gap where the pipes are, will heat loss be negligible or concentrated?

    I imagine heat loss along this strip will be much higher per square inch than if the whole wall was bare.  I'm not saying the wall would be better with…

  • Question & Answers

    Under-Slab Drainage + Radon Mitigation in Same Pipes

    HelloI am in zone 6 and planning for a crawl space with crushed stone base + 2" rigid insulation + 6 mil poly barrier + 3" rat slab. I will…

  • Question & Answers

    2″ rigid foam perimeter

    Hello all!!  I have a slab addition project.  I have covered the entire area with 2" rigid foam all the way to the foundation walls. The foundation walls (about 3'-4'…

  • Question & Answers

    ERV install location + Ducts

    I live in Zone 4A - 2 story colonial. I've been doing a lot of work on sealing the home and improving insulation. I removed the R-30 BIF (blown-in-fiberglass) in my…

  • Question & Answers

    What kind of HVAC pro do I need?

    We own a 1956 brick ranch in the Washington DC area, with all the stupid design decisions you would expect to see for the era.We would like to revamp the…

  • Question & Answers

    Estimate for Electric boiler energy use

    Hi All: Total noob here. I'm amazed at how much expertise this website/group has. I completely mix up watts/amps/volts/ and have only recently learned that I have a boiler not…

  • Question & Answers

    Relocating Floor Duct to Wall Duct

    HVAC ducting question from Ohio, zone 5A. We are relocating a floor baseboard defuser with a wall register in the same wall.  The baseboard defuser is fed with a 2-1/4…

  • Question & Answers

    Insulation retrofit mess

    Hi folks, I'm a new poster but have been really appreciating the forum. I've been learning a lot from articles and posts but have some questions here that I'd welcome…

  • Question & Answers

    Concrete-free slab – Mesh under Advantech subfloor?

    Some background:  I'm building a small addition in Maine, Zone 6A.  The floor will be concrete-free, with layers as follows (from bottom to top):*compacted stone*geotextile fabric*Glavel (~12")*geotextile*screed layer*stego 15mil VB***mesh??*2…