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General Questions- Page 175 of 1411

  • Question & Answers

    Value of external insulation defeated by air?

    As I understand it, the value of any insulation is largely negated by air leaks. If the insulation is air permeable and the air barrier of the house is compromised,…

  • Question & Answers

    purpose of weep hole in a picture window? swapped width/height on a window :)

    made a mistake and ordered a 20x36 transom window for above our front door instead of 36x20... at least it was 'only' a $200 mistake. so the window has weepholes…

  • Question & Answers

    Matt Risinger and Brent Hull Discuss Authentic Period Millwork

    Here’s a great podcast with Matt Risinger and Brent Hull of Hull Millwork and Hull Homes discussing authentic period interior trim and millwork. During the interview Matt asks Brent about which…

  • Question & Answers

    Insulation questions

    I’m using rockwool insulation, just a couple questionsthe rim joist of my 2nd floor upstairs, can I put rockwool insulation over that or am I supposed to do it the…

  • Question & Answers

    Avoiding vapor barrier sandwich

    Hope you can offer some advice.Easter Massachusetts, 1960s colonial-style house. Existing house is 2x4 construction, board sheathing. Walls have dense pack cellulose compressing some old balsam wool batts.We are bumping…

  • Question & Answers

    Sealed crawlspace double insulated stem wall?

    I am in the final days of deciding how I am going to configure the foundation waterproofing and drainage system and who is going to do the work for my…

  • Question & Answers

    Flash and Batt for attic

    I am currently working on a retrofit project for an attic located in climate zone 4. The plan is to apply 2.5 inches of closed-cell spray foam insulation to the…

  • Question & Answers

    Enlarging Window Framing Advice

    I'm looking to enlarging a window in my front room/ living room. It's on a gable end exterior wall, on the first floor of a two storey house. The joists…

  • Question & Answers

    Mitsubishi outdoor unit super loud when cooling begins

    I had a Mitsubishi heat pump installed last week, connecting to a (new) gas furnace/ducted system.  I chose the heat pump for the quiet dB rating.  When the system calls…

  • Question & Answers

    Conditioned Attic – Final Details

    Hello GBA Community,I wanted to get your opinions on something. This is for a new build in Climate Zone 5. My house is a trussed roof with built in space…