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General Questions- Page 174 of 1411

  • Question & Answers

    How does one best make CI to non-CI transitions in the same and separate walls?

    Hi! Some backgroundI am scrambling to integrate continuous insulation (CI) and max air sealing into a build that is in the final stages of the foundation pour. The timeline is tight…

  • Question & Answers

    Infiltration HTM Options for Old House

    I know this has been covered in past posts, but I guess I would like smart peoples' take on a best next step. I am considering new mechanicals in my large…

  • Question & Answers

    Future solar – today’s panel – anything I need to plan for

    I am finalizing electrical panel in a new build.If I were to add a solar (not in the cards now) let say in a year, a small amount (I have…

  • Question & Answers

    Scott Gibson

    Scott has retired from Taunton after more than 30 years. He contributed a huge number of articles to FHB and GBA, as well as overseeing the Q&A Spotlight. I've learned…

  • Question & Answers

    Air sealing attached garage & crawlspace into it

    I'm looking to air seal my attached garage, since our primary bedroom is directly above it and the connection to the house has no air sealing (and no insulation). The…

  • Question & Answers

    Details on a rigid foam chainsaw retrofit

    I am retrofitting a century old, uninsulated house with exterior rigid insulation. It is in zone 6a in northern MT.  The plan is to put 9 inches of polyiso foam…

  • Question & Answers

    Mold is everywhere, but the details matter.

    I thought about writing this note for a long time, but I was not sure if this was the best place to post it. Every once a while I would…

  • Question & Answers



  • Question & Answers

    Fiberglass Insulation

    Hi everyone! I'm an owner who is remodeling the wall and exterior of my house. I'm trying to learn as much as I can and do this well while being…

  • Question & Answers

    What would you put on emergency backup generator?

    If you wanted to outlast a winter/summer storm that knocks the power out in an all electric house (heated/cooled with a Air to air heat pump, plus resistance-based hot water…