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General Questions- Page 172 of 1411

  • Question & Answers

    Heat pump wall units

    With a mini-split heat pump system with one heat pump outside and then several wall-mounted indoor units, most of the electricity use is the main pump outside correct?  If people…

  • Question & Answers

    Foundation perimeter drain behind or in front of concrete porches?

    I am working to spec in my foundation perimeter drain and as with many things, if I ask 5 people the same question or ask 5 waterproofing companies to quote…

  • Question & Answers

    1×4 vertical t&g installation

    We're about to start installing pre finished (both sides) 1x4 Western Red Cedar tongue and groove siding.  It'll be a vertical install over a rain screen and the architect requires…

  • Question & Answers

    ICF Alternative

    I’m looking to build an energy efficient, rectangular building with a focus on longevity. ICF has intrigued me but I’m not a fan of the foam, which brings me here. I…

  • Question & Answers

    Resistance to biological growth on paraffin-treated wood fiber board versus mineral wool board (not batt)

    Conventional wisdom is that mineral wool board, being inorganic, has infinitely better moisture resistance than paraffin-treated wood fiber board.What didn't occur to me before is--which one is better at resisting…

  • Question & Answers

    Brent Hull Discusses Pilkington Spacia Glass

    Has anyone used Pilkington Spacia Glass? Apparently it has a very high insulating factor.Brent Hull's Passion for Craft Podcast: Minute 1:30)

  • Question & Answers

    Greenest rigid foam board for interior use

    We are remodeling our kitchen/dining/living room in our ranch home in Massachusetts. We have put a tray ceiling in one side and a cathedral ceiling in the other side of…

  • Question & Answers

    HVAC Air Duct sizing

    I had a a mechanical engineer oversize the system. We caught it half-way and now the system is smaller (Heating load dropped from 80BTU to less than 60; his cooling…

  • Question & Answers

    Unattached Sheathing

    Doing a bathroom remodel in Columbus Ohio, climate zone 5A. Tore down to the studs and discovered that a prior remodel had made swiss cheese out of the framing. So…

  • Question & Answers

    Best indoor temperature sensor?

    I want to buy a temperature sensor that I can mount on an indoor wall in my house. This temperature sensor should allow me to check the indoor temperature on…