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General Questions- Page 171 of 1411

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    Basement & crawl space radon mitigation

    Lexington KY home with ~20 PCi/L radon levels in a basement adjacent to a crawlspace (see attached plan). Radon levels directly above the crawlspace are ~14 PCi/L. The sub membrane…

  • Question & Answers

    havelock wool insulation outside WRB

    Hi all,I was curious if anyone had any thoughts about using havelock wool batts as an insulation layer outside of the WRB. The application is over a CLT wall so…

  • Question & Answers

    blowing in wall insulation from attic

    Is there a reason I can't fill the wall cavities of a double stud wall with cellulose from above, in the attic, then just fill the attic with insulation? That…

  • Question & Answers

    Insulating a low-pitch rubber roof.

    Hi folks, I am looking for some advice on insulating a low pitch rubber-roofed lounge. When pulling down the drop ceiling, we found that there was no insulation so now…

  • Question & Answers

    Air Sealing with an Open Hearth Fireplace.

    I am renovating my 1978 Split foyer. The bottom half of the house is a finished basement that is partially above grade, the exterior on this portion is brick which…

  • Question & Answers

    Exterior foam board

    HiHave a house in zone 5 Michigan with r 19 Kraft faced insulation on interior. Would like to put ridgid foam board on outside. Trying to figure out what kind…

  • Question & Answers

    Insulating below cantilevered space at ground level

    Hello, We have a cantilevered space in the kitchen (photo 1) and the floor is always very cold in front of it. Last year I investigated and was able to see…

  • Question & Answers

    rainscreen cladding systems online

    anyone know where can i find rainscreen cladding systems details online? how to install them in my building made of steel trusses stonstruction?

  • Question & Answers

    Combi-Core Plywood and MDF

    Well! I did not know that combi-core plywood existed (I saw it being used in a video where they were building bunk-beds). What is combi-core? It’s plywood that has an MDF…

  • Question & Answers

    Heat pump wall units

    With a mini-split heat pump system with one heat pump outside and then several wall-mounted indoor units, most of the electricity use is the main pump outside correct?  If people…