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General Questions- Page 170 of 1411

  • Question & Answers

    Supply only ventilation

    Hello. I am trying to get fresh air into my bedroom which is on it’s own hvac central air system. I was going to do an erv but I think…

  • Question & Answers

    Thick Shims with Triple-Glazed Windows

    Hi, I would appreciate some feedback on shimming triple paned windows. Upon inspection, I find stacks of mixed material (plastic, wood) shims under my new window installations. They look awkward,…

  • Question & Answers

    Flat roof insulation retrofit

    What's the best way to re-insulate this roof in NW Indiana - Zone 5?Existing low pitched un-vented roof assembly:EPDM (newer, white.)1.5" foam board (Polyiso, I think.)3/4" 1x10 decking.2x12 24" O.C.…

  • Question & Answers

    Door – Wrought Iron Door

    My wife is interested in a front entry door with wrought iron grills. I have looked for fiberglass doors with iron grills but the options seem very limited. She has…

  • Question & Answers

    Roof insulation – 1/2″ EPS worth it?

    Hi Everyone,I posted earlier about this roof assembly, but a different question this time around. California Zone 3 climate zone.We're doing a metal roof, with R-38 spray foam on the underside…

  • Question & Answers

    New window install in 1940s house, no sheathing or WRB.

    Hello GBATitle says it all. We have scoured the Internet and GBA for a proper answer. I’m an architect and I still don’t have a good answer to this question. The…

  • Question & Answers

    Have You Ever Wondered How a Solar Consultant Designs Your Grid-Tied PV System?

    This video from Solar Surge is a training class on how to use solar PV design software to design a clients grid tied PV system. It demonstrates on the software…

  • Question & Answers

    Cooling Loads from Electrical Equipment

    Hello - I am doing a Manual J on a commercial building I operate - a small food processing facility in Rhode Island, climate zone 5. The building envelope is pretty…

  • Question & Answers

    Basement & crawl space radon mitigation

    Lexington KY home with ~20 PCi/L radon levels in a basement adjacent to a crawlspace (see attached plan). Radon levels directly above the crawlspace are ~14 PCi/L. The sub membrane…

  • Question & Answers

    havelock wool insulation outside WRB

    Hi all,I was curious if anyone had any thoughts about using havelock wool batts as an insulation layer outside of the WRB. The application is over a CLT wall so…