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General Questions- Page 17 of 1395

  • Question & Answers

    Marvin Window Low ERS

    I have been working with my local Marvin dealer to price out windows for our new house. In Ohio climate zone 5. As it stands now I am going with…

  • Question & Answers

    Zip vs. Fluid Applied

    Hey all -- still working through some wall details on a new build in CZ 6. Thinking through my two current options:1. Regular Zip sheathing taped and rolled2. OSB (or…

  • Question & Answers

    Exterior Wall Plan Feedback

    Hello All,I am building my own house in Zone 5a per the following specs listed below and would like some feedback. I’m not a builder, just a retired vet looking…

  • Question & Answers

    Ceiling insulation with polyiso

    Hello,I appreciate the help I have received in the past. I have R7.8 EPS foam on the exterior of my house with an R21 unfaced fiberglass on my interior walls!…

  • Question & Answers

    Framers forgot gasket material under an exterior wall

    Hey All,It looks like our framers put up an exterior wall without the gasket material (1/8" foam) between the bottom plate and the concrete.Is there a way to correct that…

  • Question & Answers

    Damp proofing exposed foundation wall

    I am residing my 140-year-old house and decided I’d like to insulate the exposed 30” of foundation wall with Comfortboard and a protective face.  Unfortunately, the wall is made up…

  • Question & Answers

    Add External Continuous Insulation

    I have a one-year old home in Climate Zone 5A with "flash and batt" insulation in the exterior walls. My framing is 2x6, specifically (from outside to inside): vinyl siding,…

  • Question & Answers

    bathroom vent sucking in attic air

    Hello,I moved into a house a few years ago and installed a bathroom vent. It previously functioned with just a window, but it would create a hurricane with the shower…

  • Question & Answers

    Stem wall interior & exterior poured, then build before slab?

    Gentlemen, my engineer said we could have our addition framed and dried in before having the slab poured.  The reason I'm liking this idea is to have ample time to…

  • Question & Answers

    Reframing (over-framing) garage roof

    I am proposing to reframe my garage roof per the attached sketch. My primary question: is a “ridge board” sufficient in this case ? Edit: typo on one measurement. The total…