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General Questions- Page 169 of 1411

  • Question & Answers

    Hot Roof assembly, furring strips or full sheathing over foam?

    Sorry in advance if some version of this has been asked and answered before... I'm working on my roof assembly now and am debating a few options. Ive got 2x6…

  • Question & Answers

    Looking for piece of Smart Membrane

    Hi,In February someone posted that they needed just a little more Intello to finish their project and someone else had just what they needed. I'm writing here to see if…

  • Question & Answers

    Slab edge detail – needs to be fixed?

    Our home in VT is slab on grade (intended to be heated with in-slab hydronic radiant), was poured with R16 insulation under the slab. The “slab edge” insulation (R15) was…

  • Question & Answers

    Drip Edge Curling

    Greetings!Long time lurker. Part time carpenter when I’m not teaching at a local trade school.My wife and I are building a house with a mono slope roof in mid coast…

  • Question & Answers

    Problems Selling / Mortgaging Home with Spray Foam Insulation in Basement?

    I'm situated in Toronto, Canada which appears to be Climate Zone 5A.Just wondering if anyone has had issues selling their property or getting a loan for homes with closed cell…

  • Question & Answers

    F Wave shingles

    I am in the process of designing our future house and my wife and I are looking for a roof that will last. We are building in a community that…

  • Question & Answers

    Interior foam board

    Hi I have a house in zone 5 Michigan that has Kraft faced r19 insulation in the walls exterior sheeting is 1 x 8 Pine with house wrap and composite…

  • Question & Answers

    How handle condensate drain trap in conditioned attic?

    Is there guidance for plumbing air-con condensate lines in conditioned attics?The guidance here in the south includes an open “anti-syphon” stand pipe after the trap, then with that draining directly…

  • Question & Answers

    Insulating a 3 season cottage in Ontario Canada

    We have recently purchased a 3 season lakeside cottage a few hours north of Toronto Ontario, climate zone 6.  The building is only around 750sq ft, one story built on…

  • Question & Answers

    Supply only ventilation

    Hello. I am trying to get fresh air into my bedroom which is on it’s own hvac central air system. I was going to do an erv but I think…