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General Questions- Page 168 of 1411

  • Question & Answers

    Breathable Paint for wooden joists

    Hi all,Looking for a breathable paint that's sprayable for the wooden joists for the basement of a 1940's building in the suburbs of Philly.I'm rehabbing the 4 unit property and…

  • Question & Answers

    Bugs going in the ERV, how to avoid?

    I have a panasonic IB200 with hepa filter inside it and noticed wayyyyy too many bugs inside the erv, the holes on the grill on the outside intake air is…

  • Question & Answers

    Double Stud Wall

    I am investigating wall assemblies for a future build and have been researching external insulation vs. thicker 2x assemblies vs. double (or staggered) walls. I understand that a minimum amount…

  • Question & Answers

    Is AI being used to respond to Q&A?

    I've noticed several responses in Q&A that seem very "canned", all associated with a single user.  These are unlike the occasional product related spams that find their way to Q&A.…

  • Question & Answers

    How to show Ducting Channels/Chases in plans

    Hey All,We are placing the HVAC ducts in the conditioned space.  My current plan set mentions that the interior chases/channel will be sized based on HVAC design.  We have the…

  • Question & Answers

    Siding Clearance Above Finished Grade?

    Hey All,For wood and/or Hardie siding, what is the code required clearance above grade.  I found references that say "6 to 8 inches" but no indication as to when it…

  • Question & Answers

    odd insurance question

    So, apparently being a licensed, insured carpenter is not doing me any good when it comes to building my OWN home (as many on this site are, therefore I feel…

  • Question & Answers

    Moisture in Attic – Dew Point

    I have made several improvements to the building envelope of my house that was built in 1985. I have added a metal roof, changed out and replaced windows and sliders…

  • Question & Answers

    untreated floor joist woes

    I have an 8x12 outbuilding in NY that is insulated and conditioned for a few hours daily. From the ground up, it has crushed compacted gravel, PT 4x4 skids, untreated…

  • Question & Answers

    Hot Roof assembly, furring strips or full sheathing over foam?

    Sorry in advance if some version of this has been asked and answered before... I'm working on my roof assembly now and am debating a few options. Ive got 2x6…