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General Questions- Page 167 of 1411

  • Question & Answers

    Polyurethane grout for CMU blocks and gravel — waterproofing nightmare

    Hi all, I'm working to resolve a complex water issue in a space we're in the midst of renovating. In brief, part of our house is constructed on solid ledge (genuine…

  • Question & Answers

    Run refrigerant line inside stud bay on exterior wall?

    We're planning to install a minisplit system in an 1850s Greek Revival in Upstate NY, Climate Zone 5. The house was renovated in the 80s/90s with drywall and fiberglass insulation…

  • Question & Answers

    Question about humidifier and de-humidifier

    We are discussing installing a humidifier (in the HVAC system) from "is it any good" - should I also be asking for a de-humidifier? We are in a fairly humid climate,…

  • Question & Answers

    ERV choice – please critique?

    HVAC designer 1 proposed 3 reversomatic ERVs (1) Rerv-C100 and 2 Rerv-80. was some discussion of using Lifebreath HRV, but current proposal is for identical  Lifrebreath ERVs instead I be…

  • Question & Answers

    potable water frost-free sillcocks

    I need several exterior sillcocks, frost-free.I cannot find ANY models that are explicitly listed/certified NSF-61, 62 etc (or even advertising as "tested to ...", which is different but theoretically immaterial…

  • Question & Answers

    Lifting a wall onto sill plate gasket

    Hi all,Our exterior walls will bear directly on the foundation perimeter wall with a single sill (bottom) plate. I am planning to frame the walls on the ground and lift them…

  • Question & Answers

    Add AC to ERV Ductwork?

    Northern Michigan, 1,600 sq/ft single story ranch. We have a boiler for heating and currently no cooling. As part of our remodel we had an ERV installed with new ducts ran throughout…

  • Question & Answers

    Frost protected shallow foundation under unheated building

    I’m a builder in climate zone 6. Currently we’re reviewing plans for a house with detached garage. For cost reasons we’d like to do a shallow frost protected foundation under…

  • Question & Answers

    Does concrete form stay corrosion lead to cracked concrete foundations?

    I was told by someone familiar with Massachusetts building code (I'm in VT) that my 10 inch thick concrete foundation walls with steel form stays not broken off and covered…

  • Question & Answers

    Is Building Science really energy efficient?

    I am in zone 4aI have been reading about building science for a while and have incorporated much I have learned into my build; however, a question that recently hit…