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General Questions- Page 166 of 1411

  • Question & Answers

    Rigid roof , dry to the outside?

    Hello,,Maine, zone 6.  Please consider this vented roof assembly, moving from the outside to the inside....sheathing, 2 inch vented space, 4 inches of polyiso, 2x8, rafters filled with cellulose, membrain…

  • Question & Answers

    Is it really worth it?

    Is it really worth it? We have been planning our new house for several years and I have had a pretty extreme emphasis on air sealing, windows/doors and insulation to…

  • Question & Answers

    Should I Vent a Crawlspace in Zone 6?

    Dear GBA Experts,I am building a house in a Zone 6 climate in NY State with a crawl space - rat slab, vapor barrier, 2" foam, gravel, with closed cell…

  • Question & Answers

    Humidifier and Dehumidifier with dedicated ducts

    I see that dehumidifier may be most efficient when installed with dedicated ducts. It appears ducts do not need to be in every room.What about steam humidifer? Can it run…

  • Question & Answers

    Insulation on foundation – where to place it

    Hello, Hoping to get some advice regarding the typical placement of Rockwool Comfortboard when covering the exterior of a foundation. Specifically, should it be positioned inside or outside the drainage mat? I…

  • Question & Answers

    My one story ranch has three different types of insulation. Should I start over?

    I bought a house that has an extremely hot attic. There is insulation all over the place. Batts, two different blown in, and sections of bats just thrown around not…

  • Question & Answers

    Are dehumidifiers really heaters in disguises?

    I think so. Seems to me dehumidifiers lower the relative humidity more by heating the than by removing water from the air.For those that will surely disagree, let’s do the math.…

  • Question & Answers

    Preparing Subfloor for Cement Tile Installation (Pier and Beam)

    Total beginner! Conducting some minor remodeling of a house built in Dallas, Texas in 1970. The entry way had tile on top of a mud bed, which we have removed. …

  • Question & Answers

    Insulation between two sheets of plywood?

    I have an existing garage that I am hoping to both earthquake retrofit and insulate. The current state of the building is non-structural plywood sheathing over tar paper mounted on…

  • Question & Answers

    Wood Trim Around Windows-Waterproofing

    I'm having to replace this wood trim and found this-The wood trim was installed over some 1-1/2" fillers between stucco and window frame.  The building paper is intact under the…