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General Questions- Page 164 of 1411

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    100 amp sub panel from 200 amp service

    Experts, What size cable should I run to a 100 amp sub panel from  200 amp main panel 4/3 or ??seems that cable is expensive.. in that case ..can I…

  • Question & Answers

    ICF Stem Wall vs Traditional Formed Stem Wall

    Been planning a new ICF house for a while now, and the plan has been to go from the footing, whose top would be 42" below grade, all the way…

  • Question & Answers

    Mid-70’s Ranch in NJ – Where to start?

    I co-own a mid-70s 1200 sq. ft. single story ranch and are intending to modernize some aspects for another family member to move in.The roof was replaced in 2016 with…

  • Question & Answers

    Adding AC to House

    I'd like to add air conditioning to our house (currently has forced air furnace with flexduct throughout).  The walls are painted GWB/untaped poly vapor barrier/2x4 studs with R13 unfaced fiberglass…

  • Question & Answers

    External Filter Recommendation please Panasonic IB200 ERV

    HelloI have a Panasonic Intelli Balance 200 ERV and the replacement filters are way too expensive 120$ each, can someone recommend me a filter box I can add that will…

  • Question & Answers

    Attic insulation question

    Insulating an attic in Florida. Trying to figure out if this would work or not or any drawbacks. Roof is simple gable approximately 3/12 pitch. Vents at eaves, ridge and…

  • Question & Answers

    Pretty Good House Consultant in CT

    Edited to clarify what I'm actually looking for! I have a builder who seems like a capable guy with a network of good-enough subs, but I think some of the…

  • Question & Answers

    Basement Bathroom Addition

    Hi All,Climate zone 6A - Thinking about adding a bathroom to my basement and hoping for some advice on wall assembly.I've attached a floor plan and wall section(Side note -…

  • Question & Answers

    Roof overhangs and foundation drainage

    The north side of the roof on our new home has an overhang of 1' - 2 3/8".  Given the volume of snow we receive and the large number of…

  • Question & Answers

    Dual heat pump systems

    I am in the process of upgrading my heating systems and am currently in the "oh crap, what have I done?" stage of the process.I have a 3200 sf rambler…