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General Questions- Page 162 of 1411

  • Question & Answers

    Air flow oddities

    6 Months ago I had a 2.5 ton Daikin Fit HP installed and they replaced the square trunk line with round duct and added new and better trunk collars. (its…

  • Question & Answers

    Foundation L-Bolts loose / wiggle in the concrete – Solutions??!!

    I was at the job site yesterday prepping for back-fill, drainage and grading work when I noticed that some of the L-bolts that were installed were loose.  I can wiggle…

  • Question & Answers

    Expected 4.5in of closed cell spray foam, only got 2-2.5in

    tl/dr: Invoice says 4.5 inches of closed cell spray foam but after they finished my random depth checks show 2-2.5 inches. Should I ask them to make sure there's a…

  • Question & Answers

    Best WRB/drainage plane setup for exterior walls 6″ – 12″ apart?

    We are building our mudroom about 6" away from our existing garage... not ideal, but it's a very long story, and 6" gives us seismic racking protection.This will result in…

  • Question & Answers

    Large unvented flat roof overhang–Is full fill spray foam necessary?

    I'm currently building a modern structure with a substantial cantilevered flat roof overhang.  The roof over the interior living space will be unvented (flash and batt).  The architect thinks our…

  • Question & Answers

    Roxul and off-gassing: 2020 build

    Hello,My tiny-house construction in Zone 6A (Maine) from 2020 has the following, in about half the build:interior wall paneling: pine boardsinsulation: Roxulouter wall sheathing: pine boardsporous moisture barrier and shinglesIn…

  • Question & Answers

    Looking for Advice: Heat pump number of heads and location

    I didn't know too much about heat pumps when I was first looking into this so I assumed you should have one in each room that you wanted to control.…

  • Question & Answers

    converting garage to usable space

    Hello,We have a house with a tuck under garage in climate zone 7. Insulated in walls and ceiling with R-21 fiberglass and polyethylene vapor barrier facing the garage interior. Drywall…

  • Question & Answers

    Is this Right?

    Hi. This is my first time seeking help on this site. My builder is in th emiddle of building our new home. Things look odd to me so I got…

  • Question & Answers

    What happens if rigid foam insulation is placed between vapor barrier and a concrete slab pour?

    I was recently reading BSI's 2010 Building America Special Research Project: High R-Value Enclosures for High Performance Residential Buildings in All Climate Zones (Available here:, and page 35 states…