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General Questions- Page 161 of 1411

  • Question & Answers

    Hybrid roof insulation ratios + u-factor alternative

    Hello all,It's time for a new roof, and I am interested in bringing the space behind the attic knee walls into the conditioned space in my mid-1800s New England farmhouse,…

  • Question & Answers

    Benefits of stemwall insulation inside of a vented PNW crawlspace?

    My crawlspace is increasing by about 60% in terms of exterior perimeter wall. We have added insulation to the outside of the stemwall for a number of reasons, and now…

  • Question & Answers

    Retro Vapor Transmission Reduction

    Background:We have 30 year old elevated, 3 level home in Coastal SC.  Ground level is 1/3 garage w/ sheetrock ceiling (fiberglass insulation) (pic attached) and 2/3 is storage area (concrete…

  • Question & Answers

    Perimeter Slab insulation around monolithic pour

    I have read most articles and Q&A on this topic. I still don't quite get the typical detailing of rigid foam around a monolithic slab. If I fully support my walls…

  • Question & Answers

    San Francisco cathedral ceiling reroof needed!

    Hi to all the clearly informed GBA contributors! I am a San Francisco homeowner with a cathedral ceiling with a much needed reroof. I am looking to hear the latest on…

  • Question & Answers

    TJI roof that is spray foamed – how to extend overhangs?

    I'd like to extend the front to a couple feet and close up all the sunlights.If the normal method of boxing out for the overhang and then replacing the outside…

  • Question & Answers

    Andersen Window installation. Seal bottom or assume failure at some point?

    I have a crew about to put in 32k worth of new windows.  I spoke with the Andersen window rep for my area about the installation plan, and considering I'm…

  • Question & Answers

    cold roof venting: how much vent is enough?

    How much vent space makes a cold roof? I am constructing a new roof that should be vented in order to prevent snow melting and ice dams-- the idea is…

  • Question & Answers

    Bonfiglioli Wall for remodel in 2023

    Did some searching but not too much pops up in terms of real world feedback on the Bonfiglioli wall...Was wondering if there is any consensus on this for 2023.Just bought…

  • Question & Answers

    Everlast Siding

    Building a house in central Maine and looking for any reviews of Everlast siding?  The manufacture calls it a siding/rain screen.  Debating between Everlast and Hardie.