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General Questions- Page 160 of 1411

  • Question & Answers

    ChatGPT 4.0 and Manual J

    I needed to share this with someone: the other day, I used CoolCalc to complete a Manual J (MJ8?) assessment for my home. Today, I got access to Chat GPT…

  • Question & Answers

    Plastic cap nails for WRB causing bumps in lap siding

    Is there a life hack out there for being able to use the plastic cap nails to secure the WRB while avoiding interference with fiber cement lap and panel siding?my…

  • Question & Answers

    Potential attic ventalation issues with attic fan suggest solution

    Hello,I have a roof that needs to be replaced soon and got quotes. 3 roofers said that the attic ventilation is not great and it is making the attic too…

  • Question & Answers

    Paint primer for skim-coat plaster

    I had skim-coat plaster applied a few months ago and will soon be painting. Is there a primer that’s compatible/specific to plaster?I understand this isn’t a “green building” question, but…

  • Question & Answers

    Second Storey Window

    I posted a question a while back regarding enlarging a window on my main floor (window is in my living room). Now I’m back asking a second question, this regarding…

  • Question & Answers

    Flammability concerns of rigid foam for interior insulation

    We're in the middle of a kitchen/dining/living room renovation for our 80s ranch home in Massachusetts and are a bit stuck on insulation. We are avoiding closed cell spray foam…

  • Question & Answers

    Insulating behind built in cabinets

    After playing with a FLIR camera, I discovered that the built in cabinets in our laundry room are open to the exterior and uninsulated. There is one on each side…

  • Question & Answers

    Monolithic slab with stepped footers?

    Every picture or diagram I see of a monolithic slab foundation shows the slab as being on perfectly flat ground.  I understand the concept of a monolithic slab, combining the…

  • Question & Answers

    Another Cathedral Ceiling Question

    Hi All -- thank you for all your guidance and information. I've read a lot of the questions on roof insulation assemblies and cathedral ceilings but still have a couple…

  • Question & Answers

    Hybrid roof insulation ratios + u-factor alternative

    Hello all,It's time for a new roof, and I am interested in bringing the space behind the attic knee walls into the conditioned space in my mid-1800s New England farmhouse,…