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General Questions- Page 159 of 1411

  • Question & Answers

    low voltage motion switch for hrv in bathrooms

    I am building a home and we are using the Fantech Hero 200h to bring in fresh and remove stale air (ducted to the 3 bathrooms for air removal).  I…

  • Question & Answers

    Steel Entry Door & Thermal Bridging

    They sell steel entry doors with insulated cores but wouldn't the steel outer shell create thermal bridging issues in summer/winter? Wouldn't an insulated fiberglass door be a better choice? 

  • Question & Answers

    Retrofit rafter insulation

    My parents live in a 30+ year old owner-built saltbox house in climate zone 6a. The house has 2x8 rafters which were insulated with compressed 2x10 sized fiberglass batts with…

  • Question & Answers

    Vapour barrier on interior concrete wall

    We have done an addition and part of the existing exterior concrete wall in our basement is now an interior wall. Each end is connected to exterior concrete walls covered…

  • Question & Answers

    Kitchen floor over basement is cold!

    We are about to begin a kitchen remodel that includes opening the walls and removing the floors. The red tiled area of our kitchen and the dining table area is…

  • Question & Answers

    How much exterior insulation on Basement wall to prevent condensation?

    Climate Zone 5 - I have 2" of EPS on the exterior of my foundation walls. Although the brick shelf  (above grade) I have is not insulated. Is 2" enough…

  • Question & Answers

    Icf flooring

    I have a situation where ICF were used in a floor with concrete slab on top but a gap was left around the perimeter of walls inside the apartment.  I'm…

  • Question & Answers

    Ledgers and blocking for lowered subfloor in shower

    We are remodeling a small master bath climate zone 5A (Ohio). We are planning a lowered subfloor for a Kerdi curb-less shower. The existing subfloor is 3/4" farm boards. We…

  • Question & Answers

    Mini Split Freon lines

    The mini split freon lines under my house have so much condensation that my joists have rotting and my floors are sagging. Can they be wrapped or should I have…

  • Question & Answers

    Canned foam R-value

    Does anyone know the R-value of canned foam, specifically Dow Great Stuff window and door? I can't find it published by Dow. I know 2-part closed cell foams are generally…