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General Questions- Page 157 of 1411

  • Question & Answers

    Humidity Control for Hardwood Paneling and Floors

    I live in the Easy (Ontario, Canada) with high humidity during cooling and shoulder season, and low humidity during heating season (in a heating-dominated climate); zone 5A. I would like…

  • Question & Answers

    HVAC Ducts and ERV Supply

    I have some questions related to my HVAC duct location and ERV supply location. First, the HVAC question. I am going to need to get a new HVAC system in…

  • Question & Answers

    Ductless vs. Ducted Heat Pump Sizing and Costs

    I'm getting quotes for 2 whole-home heat pumps in my MA two-family house. To receive the generous MA rebate, in short, all heated and partitioned rooms need a heat source. …

  • Question & Answers

    Pacific Northwest crawlspace insulation: Spray foam or encapsulation?

    My wife and I just brought our first house, a great 1,200 sq ft starter home with one issue: the batt insulation in the vented crawlspace has been ripped up…

  • Question & Answers

    Basement Wall Efflorescence and Insulation

    Hello,I have an unfinished basement in CT that we are looking to get finished. There is some water intrusion and we are working on installing an internal drainage system to…

  • Question & Answers

    Occasionally heated garage

    We are getting ready to move into a new place for a while, and the garage is separate from the house. It is stick built with OSB sheathing and T111…

  • Question & Answers

    EIFS bubbling problem. How to fix?

    Hello, I see the concrete layer coming off of the EIFS siding on my house. Anybody knows how to fix this? I fear that this may be major water infiltration and…

  • Question & Answers

    HDPE Electrical Conduit for Underground burial

    Can I use HDPE roll to run the main service line from transformer to meter box buried underground? Not sure what the code says. Here is an example of what…

  • Question & Answers

    Would you completely renovate 2 bathrooms to make room for a hallway

    Hey hope everyone is doing well. Looking to add an addition to second floor but running into a design issue. House is very narrow about 20’ I have a second…

  • Question & Answers

    Planning for Ground-Mounted Solar

    Hey everyone, I'm in the process of planning for our new construction build in central Massachusetts. We're aiming for a pretty good house with all electric HVAC. We have good…