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General Questions- Page 156 of 1411

  • Question & Answers

    Spray or SA WRB as lead paint encapsulant?

    Instead of sheathing, we have double-layered 9" wide (tall?) shiplap (the green-painted boards outlined by the green boxes in the attached picture) under our cedar shingle cladding, and it is…

  • Question & Answers

    Alpen vs Smartwin from Advanced Architectural Woodwork

    Looking at window packages. For reference, we got a Marvin Ultimate quote at $89,230 for triple pane. I thinks they were maybe a 0.22 u-factor or something like that on…

  • Question & Answers

    Which flashing tape for flanged window install?

    I was going to use Grace Vycor Plus to prepare the window rough openings and tape the flanges but I see that it isn’t compatible with PVC which will be…

  • Question & Answers

    Sealing Top of Rigid Insulation Necessary?

    I used rigid insulation directly against my poured concrete foundation wall as I'm finishing my MA basement. I sealed the gaps between panels, corners and I sealed the bottom of…

  • Question & Answers

    Aluminum Door Threshold on Concrete Slab

    Installing a steel door with an aluminum threshold onto a flat/level concrete pad for a garage entrance. Some installers like to "glue" down the threshold onto the floor but if…

  • Question & Answers

    Azek trim question for carpenters

    I have a question for carpenters experienced in using Azek pvc trim. I am building my own house and learning as I go. I have 2x6 subfascia and am about…

  • Question & Answers

    Basement Air quality – ERV + Dehumidifier OR Dehumidifier with fresh air?

    My house, built in 2015 in northern New Jersey, features a basement with a foundation made of Superior walls (prefab in a factory and installed like Legos). Due to a…

  • Question & Answers

    Flashing between siding and brick?

    A few years ago I had the siding outside of my house re-done. The exterior consists of an upper half with brand new vinyl siding, that sits above the lower…

  • Question & Answers

    Gaps Between Stud Wall and Foam Board

    In the middle of finishing my basement in MA. I'm at the point where I'm insulating. I have a 10" poured concrete foundation. I used R7.5 rigid foam board directly…

  • Question & Answers

    Choosing an ERV

    Hi there! I have researched ERV systems and it is all very overwhelming for me. I do not understand all the technical things, so I would really appreciate it if…