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General Questions- Page 155 of 1411

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    Book rec on green land development

    I am learning to be agnostic and indifferent to less and less things. Just let a dozer guy follow a customer's requests until we had built the house pad up…

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    Keeping water lines out of exterior walls

    I am trying to design homes with water lines kept out of the exterior walls, but sometimes my love of windows draws an odd toilet or kitchen sink to the…

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    Radiators and fresh air/AC

    We have a wonderful 1913 home that we are going to be doing a deep energy retrofit on.  We really love the hot water radiators for heating.  For their traditional…

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    Fully Charged Live in Vancouver Sept 8th to 10th at the Convention Center

    Anyone going to the Fully Charged Live Home Energy and Electric Vehicle Show in Vancouver next week? time in Vancouver - offering all things for an all electric home.

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    Integrating Thick Door with Storm Door

    howdy, don't really know what to call the doors other than euro style door. e.g, entry doors with 2-3" thick leafs, a robust multi point locking system, a metal frame,…

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    Intercept vs. Supercept window spacer?

    I have the option to choose between an Intercept and Supercept spacer for my Simonton windows.  Looking at the R-values they are basically the same but I am wondering if…

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    Drainable Housewrap Best Practices for Window Installation?

    I am planning on installing flanged Vinyl windows in my house and am also planning on using Benjamin Obdyke Hydrogap for the drainable WRB.  The installation instructions for the Hydogap…

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    low maintenance and efficient entry door options?

    I am looking for recommendations on manufacturers and construction types for our front entry door which will be 3-0 x 6-8 with side lights.Asthetically, we were going to use a…

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    Spray or SA WRB as lead paint encapsulant?

    Instead of sheathing, we have double-layered 9" wide (tall?) shiplap (the green-painted boards outlined by the green boxes in the attached picture) under our cedar shingle cladding, and it is…