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General Questions- Page 154 of 1411

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    A Better Exterior Door Sill for People With Disabilities that Won’t Leak

    I get a newsletter from the JLC website and in their latest issue they had an article on exterior door sills in homes designed for people with disabilities and how…

  • Question & Answers

    Exterior electrical panel, stucco, and air and water sealing

    Hello,Have a new build that we are trying to achieve good air and water sealing. Zip R9, taped seams, hvac penetrations have Quickflash or similar, receptacle boxes are Quickflash with…

  • Question & Answers

    Drip Cap Placement Question

    I have two different types of siding going onto our house:  stained cypress and white LP Smartside board and batten. Around the windows on the cypress sided portions I'm going to…

  • Question & Answers

    Recessed LED lights going off & on

    I just had cellulose insulation blown into the interior 2nd floor ceiling.They went up to my third floor, pulled up some carpet all through the third floor, pulled up a…

  • Question & Answers

    Switch near shower & tub

    Good Morning. Can an electrical expert help me with code question? How far should the switch from a standup shower and soaking tub in a bathroom?From what I read in…

  • Question & Answers

    Is ZIP really all that great?

    We're going to start digging in a few days on our new house in climate zone 5. I've been set on the following wall assembly (from interior to exterior):Drywall2x6 framing…

  • Question & Answers

    Condensation Problems with A-Frame and Metal Roof

    Hi all, I have an 80s built a-frame in Climate zone 7 Colorado. The existing construction is 2x10 rafters @ 24"o.c. with a standing seam metal roof. Recently, we discovered…

  • Question & Answers

    IRC-Compliant Nail Size for Zip Sheathing

    This may be stupid question but I am having a bit of a hard time sorting out exactly what nail to use in order to be compliant with IRC building…

  • Question & Answers

    what to ask a shady solar salesman

    After being told by two different solar companies via email that upon looking at my property online there was too much shade to merit further discussion, I'm curious to have…

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    Not qualified
