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General Questions- Page 153 of 1411

  • Question & Answers

    Moisture barrier underlayment on plywood subfloor

    Hello, I am replacing carpet with 12mm laminate flooring in a 220 sq ft home office on the second floor of a temperature controlled house outside of Toronto. The subfloor…

  • Question & Answers

    Crawl space insulation on the bare ground when encapsulating–yes or no?

    I have a 28x44 single story home located in the R-7 climate zone in northern Michigan.  It has a closed crawl space with R-15 XPS foam board insulation affixed to…

  • Question & Answers

    Insulation/Vapor Barrier For Sunroom with PT Decking

    Hi, we are converting our screened porch into a 3 season room. The roof was insulated when it was built years ago in case we decided to utilize the space…

  • Question & Answers

    Question on venting a single sink in a workshop/office.

    I am trying to figure out the best way to vent this sink drain. It's a 1.25" drain, basically a small bathroom sink (there is no existing plumbing in the…

  • Question & Answers

    existing basement — new flooring options

    Looking for advise about basement flooring that will feel nice for bare feet in the winter.1960's basement -climate zone 4.existing floor is 9x9 tiles [assumed to be asbestos;] 3" concrete…

  • Question & Answers

    Overwintering an Exposed Slab

    I'm building a 44x64 shop just outside of Kansas City. I have the 4' and 6' stem walls (grade change) poured on top of a footing  and everything is backfilled…

  • Question & Answers

    Detailing a Board-and-Batten Shed

    I was hoping someone could help me with a  couple of questions regarding board and batten siding details for a shed. A) Can gaps between boards be plugged? I'm planning…

  • Question & Answers

    Insulating 1950s house with solid wood walls

    I’m in the process of insulating the outside facing walls of a bedroom (from the interior only) and I’m a bit concerned about causing dampness within the wall.This is the…

  • Question & Answers

    Quiet range hood (remote blower options?)

    I thought for sure this would have been discussed here already, but I cannot seem to find actual product recommendations, regarding quiet range hoods.I understand there are many factors to…

  • Question & Answers

    I’m Never Building a Basement Again

    Not a question, just a comment to a community that might understand...I'm never building a basement again. Ever.I broke ground on our new home a few months ago. We have…