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General Questions- Page 151 of 1410

  • Question & Answers

    Unfinished Pine Ceiling in 3 season porch

    Hello - we are having a screened in 3 season porch installed under our new deck. The contractor is telling us that we should wait 6-10 months to stain or…

  • Question & Answers

    Major Remodel Details

    I have so many questions and so little time, will try to keep it brief but doubt I will.  We are in the middle of a major home reno (climate…

  • Question & Answers

    Insulating Scissor Trusses in a Gambrel Roof

    I purchased plans off of a site called for my detached garage project. I essentially was buying the stamped engineered plans for the site built gambrel trusses as the…

  • Question & Answers

    Should I air-seal an attached, non-climate controlled garage?

    Thinking through the logic of many building science articles that I have read regarding building for my climate zone (4A) and the need for the walls to be able to…

  • Question & Answers

    Capturing Daytime Temps With a Heat Pump

    Would it be feasible to run your heat pump harder during the day while temperatures are high(er) and COP efficiency is greater - thereby storing heat in the home's thermal…

  • Question & Answers

    Seal the bottom of the sheathing to to stem wall?

    I have regular 2 x 6 stud construction with OSB that will be taped as my primary air barrier.  Since the brick is too irregular to tape to, is there…

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    I own a 2 storey double bricked wall home(no insulation in the walls except one wall in the kitchen). I am considering insulating a side wall. A second storey bathroom…

  • Question & Answers

    Insulation/exterior cladding simultaneously and moisture levels before drywalling

    The builder was delayed for various reasons. They are now trying to speed up and I am worried about rush job generally and moisture level in particular.They installed the roof…

  • Question & Answers

    Polyethylene vapor barrier – Canada Zone 5A -is it desirable?

    Do I really need a polyethylene vapor barrier? We have (from the outside in)Brick veneerVentilated cavityXPS Rigid 1 inch (r-5)WRB (Tyvek)Plywood Sheathing (SSD)2x6 wood framingMineral Wool (R-24)Polyethylene Vapor Barrier5/8 GWB I…

  • Question & Answers

    What air seal membrane product for T&G roof under rigid foam?

    What butyl or acrylic membrane product should I use to air seal an old T&G roof deck that will then get several inches of polyiso rigid foam on top followed…